AP Biology 2 Chapter 5 The Structure and Function of Macromolecules
4 Macromolecules of Living Organisms 4 types covered Carbohydrates Carbohydrates Lipids Lipids Proteins Proteins Nucleic acids Nucleic acids
Polymers Polymers are made from monomers Only about monomers Polymerization reactions link monomers to make polymers
Dehydration and Hydrolysis of Polymers
Carbohydrates Made of monosaccharides C H 2 O *Glucose * Skeletons vary from 3-7 carbons
? Geometric Isomers ? Structural Isomer
Carbs cont. Disaccharides Maltose Lactose Sucrose Formation of Disaccharides Formation of Disaccharides Formation of Disaccharides
Carbs cont. Polysaccharides Storage (hydrolyzed to provide sugar) Starch – plant storage in plastids, like chloroplasts Starch – plant storage in plastids, like chloroplasts Glycogen – animal storage in liver and muscle cells, depletes daily Glycogen – animal storage in liver and muscle cells, depletes daily Structural Cellulose (plants) and Chitin (arthropods and fungi) used to make cell walls and exoskeletons Cellulose (plants) and Chitin (arthropods and fungi) used to make cell walls and exoskeletons
Lipids Made of glycerol and fatty acids Hydrophobic (non polar C-H bonds) (non polar C-H bonds) Saturated vs. unsaturated No double bonds – saturated with H No double bonds – saturated with H Functions of lipids Temp. regulation, energy storage Temp. regulation, energy storage cushion vital organs cushion vital organs Fats Phospholipids Hydrophobic head and hydrophilic tail Hydrophobic head and hydrophilic tail Major component of cell membranes Major component of cell membranes Steroids 4 fused Carbon rings with functional groups 4 fused Carbon rings with functional groups Cholesterol – component of animal cell membranes, precursor to steroids, can cause artherosclerosis Cholesterol – component of animal cell membranes, precursor to steroids, can cause artherosclerosis
Proteins Amino acids Functions Polypeptides Primary Secondary Tertiary Quartenary Denaturation
Amino Acids
TertiaryTertiary And Quaternary Quaternary TertiaryQuaternary
Improper Structure
Nucleic Acids DNA RNA Nucleotides Pyrimidine Purine