Transfer Line Test preparation meeting V. Kain, R. Alemany
Detailed test plan B V. Kain, R. Alemany
B1 B V. Kain, R. Alemany
B2 B1 B1B2 B V. Kain, R. Alemany ALICE SHOTS ON TED = 20 hours (TDI closed to avoid forward detectors trips) LHCb SHOTS ON TED = 18 hours Note: If 100% efficiency is assumed BLM to COLLIMATOR MAPPING If possible will be done during aperture measurements
Total beam intensity and RP Assuming 100% efficiency and two extractions per minute of p+ (or p+ for trajectory stability) Total intensity per activity Total intensity per TED and for the whole weekend: TOT INT B1 = p+ TOT INT B2 = p+ 4.8E E+13 V. Kain, R. Alemany
In October 2004 we performed a similar test as it is planned this year for the TI2 and TI8*. With similar total beam intensities on TED. Prompt radiation: Point 2 and 8 and neighboring tunnel areas have to be closed during test. Relevant RAMSES radiation monitoring will be operational during the test. Residual radiation after test: TI tunnels: Area around TEDs will show dose rate levels being clearly above current “Supervised Radiation Area” classification. LHC tunnel: Areas in R22 and R88 located parallel to TED positions in the TI tunnels will show elevated dose rate levels. However, most probably there will be no need to change locally the current classification (Supervised Radiation Area). Prior access radiation survey will be conducted. no access restrictions are expected after test in the LHC tunnel. *Dedicated RP report available: H. Vincke, D. Forkel-Wirth, N. Conan: Investigation of the Radiation Protection Issues of the TI8 Injection and TT40 Material Tests, EDMS: Radiological consequences arising from this test H. Wincke V. Kain, R. Alemany
Status of the systems SystemStatusComments TED TT40/TT60 movement checked TO BE DONE TED TI2/TI8 locked in beam OK MSI (TI8) and MBH (TI2) (after TEDs) condemned OK Beam Permit to TI2&TI8 TED ON GOING2 signatures missing LHCb shielding close Will be close for the weekend ALICE shielding close OK V. Kain, R. Alemany
SystemStatusComments SPS MKEOKTested during extraction test TL Power converters: magnet polarity heat run logging OK TCDION GOING: collimator movement will be checked for TI2&TI8 Application fully operational with trim. Collimator temperatures in SIS if possible LSS4/LSS6 extraction with beam OK TL BI: FBCT, BLM, BPM, BTV OKLogging, application and acquisition Which settings are foreseen? Parking position, i.e. fully open. Only the first TCDI up stream TI2 will be moved for commissioning the automatic application V. Kain, R. Alemany
SystemStatusComments LHC MKI B1OKTested LHC MKI B2Pending LHC BIC connected only to LBDS OKBIC arming sequence: OK LHC INJECTION BICOKTested Extraction BICsOK ALICE & LHCb injection permit OKTested with handshake protocol TI2_SETUP and TI8_SETUP SPS SMPOKSBF OK LHC SMPOKOnly energy needed TDITo be doneInitial position in IP2 & IP8: In beam and tilted. The experiments could ask to open the jaws during the week end V. Kain, R. Alemany
SystemStat us Comments LHC LBDS B1OK LHC LBDS B2OK Inject and dumpOKTested fully with B1 (dump kickers and MKI pulsing) BETSimOKLock at 450 GeV SystemStatusComments SPS-LHC Rephasing and synchronization OK LHC Timing systemOK LHC Timing editorOK Dynamic destinationOK LHC Injection sequencerOK TI2&TI8 SETUP handshakeOK V. Kain, R. Alemany
SystemStatusComments IQCOn going SPS BQMOK XPOCON GOINGIt might not be ready for the TL test (not crucial) PMOK V. Kain, R. Alemany
Other topics When changing the beam intensity from PILOT to NOMINAL bunches and vice versa, we have to close the TIx_SETUP handshake and start it again. Put the new intensity in page 1 and call the experiment control room. If a patrol drops in ALICE or LHCb: 1 st call the experiment control room and the run coordinator. To broadcast the ON LINE development of the plan we will use the LHC Coordination page: webtools/vistar/vistars.php?usr=LHCCOORD V. Kain, R. Alemany