Presidential Superheroes
Guidelines & Purpose: Your group is responsible for creating a superhero out of a President. You are to integrate facts about his personal life and Presidency together with super powers to create a superhero. ◦ Each hero should have powers related to their live or things they did as President. ◦ Each President should also have a Super Villain with their own powers. This should probably be someone from real life who opposed them. Each student is individually responsible for turning in one of the jobs listed below. Be sure that each student keeps an organized record of all this information.
Personal Biographer: One student in your group should compile background biographical information to include: birth date and place, a short synopsis of the person’s life during his youth and early jobs and career information before becoming President. Include at least 2 interesting facts about the person’s family as well.
Presidential Biographer: One student should compile historical information about the person’s time as President: What were the outstanding moments of their Presidency, both the good and the bad? Was this person liked or disliked as President? Did any wars or conflicts occur? Did they sign anything meaningful into law?
Hero Maker: The Third student should research superheroes….find out what kinds of powers and weaknesses they have…find out what kinds of enemies they have and what those enemies are trying to do…
Next… Now the three of you need to take all of this information and turn your President into a super hero. What are his powers and how do they fit what this president did in office? Who are his enemies and what powers do they try to use to make your super hero president’s life difficult? Does your President triumph over his enemies or does he meet a tragic fate? …tell a short story about what happens when they encounter one another (could be once or several times). Put all your information on a poster to be displayed in the classroom.