Final Essay in HWKWWK
What it is Formal essay 1,000 words Done on a wiki 5 good sources, one scholarly About a world event between 09/01/2012 and 02/13/2013 Show how we know what we know about the event
What it does Not just a recap of the event Analyze how the public got the information Examine the facets, players & technology involved Use concepts covered in class as tools to frame the event Tell us HOW WE KNOW about the event
Purpose of assignment is three-fold Give you the opportunity to use the critical perspective to analyze an event Give you the opportunity to use what you’ve learned this semester Help you better understand how people, movements, or technology alter global cultures
Use the critical perspective Cover this January 23 Thoroughly research the event Read articles Take apart the information and examine the pieces
Use what you learn How does the event fit in with what the class covers? Secrecy, revelation, rhetoric, intellectual property, technology, forms of media Use every lens the class provides to view your event
How people, movements, and tech alter global cultures This is a Global Learning class How did a person, a movement, or a technology affect your event? How did they produce a global impact? How did they produce change? Was the change desirable, or not?
Start thinking now This is the toughest part of the course Can’t do this at the last minute Requires a lot of time for research and thought Plenty of opportunity to get it right (labs, drafts) Start with a thesis statement (due Feb. 20)