1 CHEM-E7130 Process Modeling Exercise Numerical integration, distributions etc.
Integral functions, time dependent heat transfer 2 T(0,t)=T 0 T( ,t)=0 T(x,0)=0 Analytical solution: Plot temperature profiles as functions of time with Excel with some T 0 values and physically relevant thermal diffusivity
Look for Matlab help for numerical integration Set up a Matlab m –file for numerically integrating normal distribution with average 2 mm and standard deviation 0.2 mm. Integrate over a) 0 to 1 m b) 0 to 1000 m c) 0 to infinity (Inf) 3
4 Modify the m-file so that the functions are nested, and set up parameters for the whole code at the same time Calculate moments from zeroth to third for the function Calculate average and standard deviation from the moments and compare to the given values Check when the accuracy is lost when the upper integration limit is increased