Effects of World War II Did we learn anything?
Postwar Goals The Big Three meet at Yalta (on the Black Sea) in Feb to discuss postwar goals Known as the Yalta Conference Agreed that Poland, Bulgaria and Romania would hold free elections – Stalin would renege on that promise – FDR needed Stalin’s help against Japan so couldn’t push too hard, also Soviets had had to do most of the fighting in Eastern Europe for a very long time before the 2-front war was started An altered Big Three, now with Truman, met in July 1945 in Potsdam (in Berlin) – not long after conference began, Churchill is replaced as Prime Minister decision to divide Germany into four areas of occupation – Soviet, American, British and French Agree to new borders and free elections in Poland and the right of Soviets to claim reparations for war damages
The World Changes Eventually, Soviets will bring much of Eastern Europe under their control – Germany will be divided into two – free and Soviet (West and East) Communism rears its ugly head throughout much of Eastern Europe and China MacArthur heads to Japan to oversee the writing of a new gov’t – abolished the armed forces except for purposes of defense, gives women the right to vote, enacts democratic reforms, and establishes groundwork for an economic recovery
The End of Imperialism? The end of the war marks an end to 100os of years of imperialism – Great Britain, long believed to be the premier of Imperialism, comes out of the war economically damaged and having lost most of its colonies – territories no longer wanted to be under the control of another country, but be free to choose its gov’t. The United States and Soviet Union come out as the two major world powers -superpowers. Do we have imperialism today – just defined in a different way?
International Happenings The U.S., realizing its mistake after WWI in rejecting the League of Nations and becoming somewhat isolationist, decides it must fully embrace its role as a world leader Shape postwar world economy – push for an International Monetary Fund and World Bank – worked to foster global economic and financial stability (avoid another Great Depression – which led to fascism) – Signed the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) designed to expand world trade by reducing tariffs (FINALLY)
United Nations Goal was similar to the League of Nations, but with problems fixed April 1945 – 50 Nations meet to write the charter - Senate approves it this time – offices set up in New York City Organized on the basis of cooperation between the Great Powers – not on equality All member nations sit on the General Assembly, however 5 major WWII Allies – U.S., Britain, France, China and Soviet Union – assigned permanent seats on the most powerful arm – the Security Council Helped create the Independent Nation of Israel, mediate regional conflicts, provided food and aid to areas of the world, issued the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Eleanor Roosevelt is chosen by Truman to be the representative from the United States and she sat on the Commission on Human Rights Declaration condemns slavery and torture, upholds freedom of speech and religion and affirms that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of himself and his family
Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Trials Axis powers had repeatedly violated the Geneva Convention of 1906 (international agreement governing the humane treatment of wounded soldiers and prisoners of war) Allies tried more than 1,000 Japanese for committing atrocities – hundreds condemned to death including Tojo Nuremberg Trials – the prosecution of Nazis for war crimes including key leaders like Goering many said they were simply following orders and Hitler was the source many are hanged or given long prison sentences over the next few decades – Allies and Israeli authorities capture and try many Nazis, including Adolf Eichmann – leading architect of The Final Solution