JOSEF HOFLEHNER Josef Holflehner was born in 1955 in Wels, Austria. Joseph is a well know photographer for his work with airplanes. He is known as the “Airliner Project”. In his photographs, Joseph uses and natural and man-made objects to create a sense of space in the photos. Josef traveled to Maho Beach to take these photographs.
INSPIRATIONS Some of Joseph’s favourite photographers include: Andreas Feininger, Nobuyoshi Araki, Joel Sternfeld and Harry Callahan. These are just some of the photographers that have inspired Joseph. Andreas Feininger Joel Sternfeld
WHY BLACK AND WHITE Josef uses the monochrome because it gives him the creativity control that he needs, it also allows him to step further away from reality. He says that colour pictures are just a copy of the landscape, while the Black and White photos allow him to show the world his vision. Mine:
The struggle of taking this picture was trying to make the picture have the same effect as his original. This was hard in trying to replicate the effect the braches and the lighting coming through the branches. Mine:
When trying to replicate this picture, it was hard to get into the middle of the road and get the shot at the right time. As well trying to find a spot where there were no cars on the street. This picture shows Josef’s style of Black and White Landscape photography Mine:
With this picture it was a waiting game! Waiting for the bus was the hard part. Unfortunately the bus the was going the wrong way. The choice of camera that Josef uses brings a different feel to the photographs giving them an older but newer feel.
Joseph Likes “empty spaces”, as well he likes bad weather and the snow and ice. In his picture of the fence, he has the fence all by its self against the white snow to emphasize the fence. Mine:
One of josephs most memorable shoots was when he was in New York City, when he was capturing central park from up above. “ There’s something about capturing a Central Park or the Chrysler building from like 60 stories above” said Joseph in an interview. Mine:
Joseph now uses a custom- made body camera with an 80- megapixel sensor. As well he uses some German lenses. When taking this picture, the point of view and light were important.
Some of the issues I had when taking this picture was finding some of a similar landscape. I thought that the post in the background would represent the Empire State Building. Mine:
Joseph Hoflehner has published many books in his career so far. In total Joseph has released 14 books about travel. When taking this picture it was hard to find a space where the trees continue in a straight line. Mine:
Josef Hoflehner may be a landscape photographer but he also like to take pictures of objects and frame them. In these pictures he focused on the part of the tree that splits off. Mine:
The camera make is a Hasselblad SWC that shoots in Black And White photography. Joesef first realized that he wanted to be a photographer when he was just 20 years old. He was working in a restaurant in Johannesburg South Africa.
WHY I CHOSE JOSEF HOFLEHNER The reason I chose joseph Hoflehner is because when I first looked at his work I really enjoyed it. The photos he took interested me. Some of the work I like of josephs is his airliner work. These were things I wanted to try and recreate! I think that my thinking is similar to his because I like to take pictures of landscapes and I feel that with some photos that the Black and White will create a deeper feeling in the photograph.