Electronic Device Ads in NYC Do They Effect What People Want to Buy? By Mathew Matthison
Samsung Ads
iPad Ads
iPhone Ads
Other Smart Phone Ads
Essay In New York City I have noticed there are a lot of advertisements. And a lot of those advertisements are for electronic devices such as iPhones, Galaxy’s, Nokia Lumias, HTC’s, androids, iPads, etc. The average big company such as Apple, Google, spends millions to a few billion dollars on their advertisements according to businessinsider.com. Just think how much of that money gets spent on NYC ads! Also the most popular electronic device according to wikianswers.com is the iPhone/iPod. I saw a lot of advertisements for these devices as well as advertisements for other popular devices like other smart phones and tablets. With these companies spending that much money on ads I wanted to see if their advertisements really affected consumers. To test this I took a class survey to see what device they would get if the could get any. I also asked if it was advertised in the city. Of all the people that took the survey the majority of them said they wanted a smart phone. And most of THOSE people wanted an iPhone in which I’ve seen a lot of NYC ads for. In my survey all but one person said the device they wanted was advertised in the city. The one person who said no to the advertised in NYC questions device isn’t even out for sale for the next few years (If your wondering the device is Google Glasses). You can see from my results that the ads do effect what electronic device people want in which kids in my class mostly all wanted a device advertised in New York City.