PERCENT OF STUDENTS IN PERFORMANCE LEVELS NEW YORK STATE MATH Students in Performance Levels GRADE % +5.6% +0.2% +14.7% + 1.4% (All Students) + 9.3%
PERCENT OF STUDENTS IN PERFORMANCE LEVELS NEW YORK STATE MATH Students in Performance Levels GRADE % +0.5% +7.0% +4.6% +8.0% (All Students) -1.6%
One-Year Gain % NEW YORK STATE MATH Students in Performance Levels Results by Ethnic/Racial Group Grade %73.1%90.0%92.3% % in Levels 3 & 4 in 2005 % in Levels 3 & 4 in %62.9%85.0%87.7% % in Levels 3 & 4 in 2005 % in Levels 3 & 4 in 2004
PERFORMANCE LEVEL ADVANCED PROFICIENT BASIC NOT PROFICIENT Lev %77.4% NEW YORK STATE MATH GRADE 4 Grade 4 Performance of At-Risk Grade 3 Students Who Were Promoted in Summer 2004 Compared to All Grade 4 Students in Lev %94.6% Students Promoted Based on Summer Test(s)* N = 3,973 * Includes only students scoring in Level 1 on Spring 2004 grade 3 tests who were promoted based on Summer 2004 tests and who were still in NYC schools to take the Grade 4 Math test in May ALL GRADE 4 STUDENTS N = 74,885 Meets promotion criterion Does not meet promotion criterion
PERCENT OF STUDENTS IN PERFORMANCE LEVELS NEW YORK STATE AND NEW YORK CITY MATH Students in Performance Levels GRADES 3 – % +0.3% + 4.8% (All Students) + 6.2% Grades % + 3.3%
PERCENT OF STUDENTS IN PERFORMANCE LEVELS NEW YORK STATE AND NEW YORK CITY ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Students in Performance Levels GRADES % -0.8% +0.1% (All Students) +10.7% Grades 3-8 *Grade 7 test scores were not released in 2002 because they appeared inconsistent with other available information. The 2002 results include grades 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 only. +0.3% +1.7%