Nervous System
EQ: How do the functions of the human body systems interact? Today I will discuss the nervous system because it is the body’s central control center, responsible for gathering and interpreting information.
Who Am I? O Create 5 “Yes” or “No” questions to ask the teacher about this picture.
The Nervous System: The Nervous System has 2 functions: O Gathers and interprets information O Responds to that information as needed
The Nervous System has 2 parts: O Central Nervous System (CNS): consist of your brain and spinal cord. O Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): consists of all the other parts except the brain and spinal cord.
The Central Nervous System: The Central Nervous System (CNS) includes the brain and the spinal cord. The CNS takes in and responds to information from the peripheral nervous system.
The Central Nervous System: O The Brain is the control center of the nervous system. It controls voluntary and involuntary processes. O The Spinal Cord sends messages to and from the brain.
Peripheral Nervous System: O The PNS connects all parts of your body to the CNS. O It uses specialized structures called nerves to carry the information between your body and your CNS.
The Peripheral Nervous System is divided into 2 parts: O Somatic Nervous System: are under your control (talking, walking, writing) O Autonomic Nervous System: Controls things in the body you do not think about (heat beating and breathing)
Neuron: O Messages travel through the nervous system along neurons.
Types of Neurons: O Sensory Neurons: gather information about what is happening in and around your body. They receive and send those messages to the CNS. O Motor Neurons: Causes the reaction for the information (Deliverers information)
Nerves: O A collection of axons bundled together with blood vessels and connective tissue.
Injuries O An injury to the brain can cause temporary or permanent damage. (ex: concussion caused by contact injury) O A spinal cord injury may block the messages to and from the brain. (ex: paralysis)
Exit Ticket: O Gimmie Five: O Students will write down five things they learned about the nervous system