Original 1998 EOS Program Cal/Val Remote Sensing Instrument Suite
16 Years of MAS ER-2 Science Campaigns: 529 science missions and 1,558 flight hours
296° 284° 272° 260° 248° 236° 224° 212° 200° 188° Example MAS Utilization (CCVEX, 2006) MAS 11 m Brightness Temperature Satellite Track :19 – 18:45 UTC All Level-1B science data are posted in the DAAC system, with browse imagery at Web-based Level-1B Data Products 1 Km Nadir Temperature & Radiance Products
Current Status: MAS Major sub-system failures began in : 1. Digitizer failed 4 times in flight (Problem cannot be duplicated on the ground) 2. Scan Motor/Mirror unit failed during Costa Rica TC4 mission (no longer supported by OEM) 3. Spectrometer base plate heater failed on TC4 4. Detector adjustment stages badly corroded 5. IR Blackbodies increasingly unstable (no longer supported by OEM) Key data system components are obsolete and no longer supported: - Custom digitizer circuit boards (Berkeley Camera Engineering) - Main CPU obsolete (DOS OS) - SCSCI data bus hardware The MAS system is down for extended repair through 3-Q 2009
MAS Service Life Extension Plan The goal is to have a serviceable system for Guam TC4 in 2010, with additional years of service (maximum) Some electronic subsystems developed for UAS-AMS will be incorporated The custom digitizer electronics will remain a critical failure point. (This effort is supported by in-guide funding from the EOS Project Science Office, leveraging off AMS system development work funded by Airborne Science)
MAS Service Life Extension Plan: Subsystem Details 1. Fore-Optic Module: Replace Scan Motor/Mirror module with AMS-type hardware** Re-coat all optical elements (telescope, scan mirror, Pfund assembly) complete: 12/08 2. Digitizer/Data System: Replace Motor Controller & BB Controller boards (AMS design) ** Upgrade CPU board (LINUX, running AMS flight software) Replace main back-plane Replace external data interface board w/AMS design ** Replace SCSI bus w/ USB Replace spinning disks with solid state storage devices ** Test & Repair BCE circuit boards as possible Replace external cable harnesses complete: 6/09 __________________________________________________________ ** Indicates hardware that could be re-used in a follow-on “next-generation” system
MAS Service Life Extension Plan : Subsystem Details (Cont.) 3. Spectrometer Remanufacture detector adjustment stages (Port 3, 4) Inspect and replace optical elements, as necessary (dichroic mirrors, dewar windows, etc.) Replace base plate heater and controller complete: 6/09
Service Life Extension Plan : New Scan Mirror and Motor Modules for MAS & MASTER (1/2008) AMS Prototype
MAS Service Life Extension Plan: Subsystem Upgrades New Scan Motor Controller Module New Blackbody Controller Boards New External Interface Board (in fabrication, 2/08) AMS Prototype BB & Motor Controller Unit
Vision for a Follow-on Facility Sensor There is a demonstrated need for multi-spectral, high resolution imagery spanning the visible through thermal IR spectral regions, for multi-disciplinary research applications. The current MAS and MASTER systems can not be supported much beyond 2011, due to gross obsolescence of the primary electronics. Many practical lessons can be learned from the MAS/MASTER instrument programs, to provide a more robust, quantitative system.
Lessons-Learned from the MAS and MASTER Instruments Greater spectral stability is needed for atmospheric bands Flat-plate blackbody calibrator design is questionable Cross-track polarization needs to be addressed An onboard calibrator for Vis/SWIR bands highly desirable Scattered light inside scan cavity needs to be reduced Internal IR background radiation has to be better suppressed Replace gratings with bandpass filters for LWIR bands Eliminate linear-variable filters (LVFs) from design Additional SWIR and LWIR water vapor bands are useful
New System Design Features Single large dewar for LWIR spectrometer section, with cold secondary optics to reduce background noise Filter-based spectral differentiation in M/LWIR bands Added 6.7um IR band Improved blackbody design, based on S-HIS experience Onboard Visible/SWIR calibrator De-polarization methods to be investigated Use of Sterling and T/E Coolers for long-endurance (UAS) operations Incorporate AMS-type onboard processor to generate Level-1b, -2 products in flight, and real-time telemetry
Notional Spectrometer Lay-Out