Autonomous Messenger Based Routing in Disjoint clusters of Mobile Sensor Network Authors: Nisar Hundewale, Qiong Cheng, Xiaolin Hu, Anu Bourgeois, Alex Georgia State University
Problem Definition Messenger Based Solution Agent Simulation Related Work Conclusion Future Work Outline
Problem Definition Messenger Based Solution Agent Simulation Related Work Conclusion Future Work Outline
Base Station IR Server Introduction Mini modern battle field - UVA’s Group Management Model ?
The distance between sub nets is beyond maximum transmission range; Information can not be directly delivered; Adding mobility in regular sensor networks. Why adding mobility in regular sensor network?
Goal –Maintain connectivity in disjointed mobile sensor network –Design a framework for routing protocol –Design autonomous messenger-based route discovery protocols –Design agent simulation Methodology –Discrete event system simulation specification –Autonomous agent system design Project Goal
Problem Definition Messenger Based Solution Agent Simulation Related Work Conclusion Future Work Outline
Solution Framework Cluster Based Management Component Based on Straight Line Movement of Messengers (SLMM) Based on Flexible Sharing Policy of Messengers (FSPM) Routing Component Routing Discovery/Maintenance Component Advanced Roles Messenger Assignment Policy
Solution Process Cluster Head Cluster regular member Messenger Target Network Partition Wireless Communication Messaging Cut edges between networks partitions (MST edges) Returning
Solution Assumption Every mobile sensor initially has the exact location of base station Homogenous environment No obstacle and no noise
Communication process loop Flexible Sharing Policy of Messengers (FSPM) Cluster A Leader Messenger A’ Base Station 2 3, 5 Cached Pipeline Pipeline Cluster B B communication cycle Towards Messenger C 3, 5
State Transition Diagram
Route Discovery PROCEDURE Pseudo Code (sensor) 1 IF (sensor is in roaming status) 2 THEN IF (targets have been sensed) 3 THEN IF (cluster exists around the targets) 4 THEN IF (cluster is full & cluster doesn't need more) 5 THEN Change direction 6 ELSE Enter in the cluster and possess a suitable position; Share the cluster Head content; Change status; 7 ELSE Become the head of the cluster 8 ELSE Continue to move with random angle 9 ELSE IF (sensor is in active status) 10 THEN IF (sensor is cluster head) 11 THEN Recording; receiving data; change status; processing, checking pipeline and waiting time; select messenger; send messenger; 12 ELSE Recording; sending to cluster head
Problem Definition Messenger Based Solution Agent Simulation Related Work Conclusion Future Work Outline
Mobile sensor networks possess the nature of high dynamical connection and disconnection which is not predicted and predetermined. Agent simulation adapts to the nature. Every autonomous agent corresponds to a self-configurable, self-adaptable and self- maintainable mobile sensor. We designed the agent simulator. It utilized the Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) and DEVSJAVA which was developed by University of Arizona. Motivation
Basic Architecture of DMSN Agents Responsibility of Every Sensor and Target Agent: Data Structure; Action Base; State Transition Machine; Action Policy; Messages In/Out; Responsibility of Every Cluster Coordinator Agent: Member Management; Role Management; Action Management; Topology Management; Responsibility: Register/Deregister Cluster Coordinator Agent; Coupling Management in DMSN; Dynamic Simulation Environment Management; DMSN Coordinator Agent Cluster Coordinator Agent …… Cluster Coordinator Agent …… Target Agent Sensor Agent
Framework for DMSN agents modeling & simulation DEVS Simulation DMSN Agents System Coupled Model DEVS Modeling ……Model ……Coupled Coordinator Applied Coupled Model Atomic Model DMSN Coordinator Agent Cluster Coordinator Agent …… Cluster Coordinator Agent ……Target Agent Sensor Agent …… Coupled Simulator Coupled Simulator Coupled Coordinator Coordinator
Evaluation for Route Discoveries
Problem Definition Messenger Based Solution Agent Simulation Related Work Conclusion Future Work Outline
Ferry based approach; [Ammar MB2002] Table-driven routing such as DSDV; Source-initiated on-demand routing such as DSR and AODV; J. Stankovic, Darpa CleanPoint Presentation Slides - VigilNet, Cleanpoint Talk, Dec Related Work
Study route discovery and routing protocol in disjoint mobile sensor networks; Design two messenger based route discovery protocols, SLMM and FSPM ; FSPM is more energy-efficiency than SLMM; More works… Conclusion
Future Work Routing component Target tracking Intelligently path decision of messengers