CCC 2006 – 2010 Technology Plan Development Faculty input Presentation Outline wOrk PlAn pLan WoRK plaN 1. the COOL part Slide from “Intelligent Learning Space Design:, The Future!” Presented by Mark Valenti, The Sextant Group, Inc., to the SUNY Council of Chief Information Officers, November 2006.
Working on Two Fronts Making the most of what we have –Multimedia classrooms –Robust campus network –Rich library resources –SUNY resources, e.g. Coursespace –Public web resources Preparing to make use of what’s coming wOrk PlAn pLan WoRK plaN
Web-Based Resources That Support the Use of Digital Content Flickr MERLOT Photobucket the COOL part now
Slide from “Intelligent Learning Space Design:, The Future!” Presented by Mark Valenti,The Sextant Group, Inc., to the SUNY Council of Chief Information Officers, November the COOL part and coming
Slide from “Intelligent Learning Space Design:, The Future!” Presented by Mark Valenti,The Sextant Group, Inc., to the SUNY Council of Chief Information Officers, November the COOL part and coming
Slide from “Intelligent Learning Space Design:, The Future!” Presented by Mark Valenti,The Sextant Group, Inc., to the SUNY Council of Chief Information Officers, November 2006.
the COOL part spaces
Slide from “Intelligent Learning Space Design:, The Future!” Presented by Mark Valenti,The Sextant Group, Inc., to the SUNY Council of Chief Information Officers, November the COOL part spaces
Slide from “Intelligent Learning Space Design:, The Future!” Presented by Mark Valenti,The Sextant Group, Inc., to the SUNY Council of Chief Information Officers, November the COOL part spaces
Slide from “Intelligent Learning Space Design:, The Future!” Presented by Mark Valenti,The Sextant Group, Inc., to the SUNY Council of Chief Information Officers, November the COOL part spaces
The New Realities of Digital Content Some new realities –Content starts out in digital format – no analog conversion –Everyone’s a media producer – camera phones make movies:camera phones make movies: –“Multimedia” = “convergence” – MP3 playersMP3 players –Visual literacy needs to be modeled portal/intro.htmhttp:// portal/intro.htm Content Device Network
We Need Your Input! The Questions What do you want to be able to do from home or other off campus locations? Example: turning in grades online. What media, text, or other resources do you need to use, and how? Example: digitize discipline- specific content for use in any digital medium What additional forms of communication do you want to use with your students, colleagues, and other people in your life? Example: archivable instant messaging for use with students What services, resources and tools would you like that would help you organize and plan? Example: personal database technology that organizes all types of personal content organically. What teaching activities would you like to have enabled by technology? Example: simulations in which all data is captured, including the student’s performance. Process and Assumptions Process Plan structure is in place TemplateFaculty input being organized by LRC Committee; staff / administration input being organized by committe Goal: broad plan; ready for final review early next semester Assumptions Administrative computing system replacement Plan to address strategies, not specific technologies