By D. Mustafa And Doctor C Chris
As the fog drifted away, a Mansion came into view. The sound of your friends cheering you on seemed like nothing. There was NO turning back now. Clashing sounds of gates filled your ears, as if they were calling out to the ghosts of the night. The colossal Mansion loomed above you like a giant above an ant. You step forward knowing you will die. “Are You Mad?” Screams your conscious. There Are 3 doors, choose one. Front Door Side/Garden Door Back Door
Shaped like a giant killer plant, the door looms above you. A dead corpse lay scarily outside. Your conscious tells you, “This Is Weird...” You step inside, look behind you but the door was now shaped like a hand! “Crud, I’m stuck.” There Are Two More Ways To Go. Right Door Left Door
You enter the front door; its shaped like a hand. The moonlight is just enough to see anything. A shiver travels down your spine. You are as scared as Hell, and that seemed like that were you was going, soon. As you step in everything goes dark… There Are Two More Ways To Go. Right Door Left Door
You open the howling wolf shaped door and step inside. Slowly, a huge, black wolf emerges from the shadows and glares at you evilly. The saliva drips from its face and slithers on the floor to your feet. That’s the last thing you remember before your dead body was thrown in front of the garden door. Back to The Beginning
You realise that the kitchen was surprisingly tidy. That makes it all the more freaky. You decide to turn the tap on. Turn The Tap On
You open the right door, having no idea what awaits you. At the end of the long hallway you seem to be in, you notice a chest. Like any other human, you were curious what inside the chest. You open it and find a strange red ruby inside! Your quest was finished. You take the red ruby, feeling relaxed. Go Home
As you turn the tap on water starts flowing out uncontrollably. The plug is jammed and the door locks behind you. Desperate for air, your mouth involuntary opens. You swallow a mass amount of water and begin, to drown… Back to The Beginning
As you head out the front door, You see that the gate is locked! You need a key! Investigate the front garden Go inside the mansion
You search for the key in the garden, looking through the flowers and bushes. A rustling noise could be heard behind you. Investigate the noise Carry On Searching Search Inside The Mansion
Following the sound of the rustling, you notice its coming from the fountain! Leaning forward you catch a key from inside the water. It fits the gate! Leave
The rustling noise was to much! You have to investigate! Investigate
Stepping back inside the front door you see the rooms, but the wind whispers to you, “It’s not here...” so you step back outside into the cold, kind of freaked out by the wind. Go Back Outside