CSI LAB PRESENTATION Team max born to be wild Ruby, Tyler, Vanessa, and Wilson
G OALS We look to use the study of physics to solve a murder mystery Also we must ask questions to find out what we need to solve this murder
Q UESTIONS #1 Are there any cameras around the apartment building? Answer: There are there is a few of people that entered the building around the time of the murder.
Q UESTION #2 What is the caliber of the Nerf bullet fired? Answer: We got a list of all weapons that fire that type of bullet.
Q UESTION #3 What is the height of the bullet in the sign outside and the length from the window to the sign? Annswer:We were able to use these numbers to find the murderer.
M ETHODS With the information form the questions we were able to make a physics problem. With the physics problem we could find the height of the gun form the ground Upon finding the gun to ground height we could find the height from shoulder to top of the head and find the true height of the murderer which comes to be Taylor Burns.
A SSUMPTIONS We assumed that Taylor was shooting straight at the TV and was firing at shoulder height We also assumed that he was came though the front door where the camera could see him.