AdolescenceAdolescence Adolescence means the period of time between being a child and an adult.
Four stages of development During our lives, we go through four stages of development: Childhood. Adolescence. Adulthood. Old age.
Growth and Development To develop means to progress through a series of changes in a certain sequence. From the time we are born, we grow and develop, physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. Each of these are interlinked. The rate at which children develop is influenced by Heredity: what has been passed on from parents. Environment: healthy surroundings, good family atmosphere etc.
Physical Development Physical development means growth and height and weight, development of physical senses such as sight, and development of motor and manipulative skills such as walking. Physical development begins at the moment of conception. By 28 weeks the baby is fully formed. Young children grow and develop rapidly. In adolescence there is a growth spurt and sexual development begins.
Mental Development Mental or intellectual development is to do with the mind. You are born with a certain level of ability (heredity) and after that your environment (parents, teachers, school) has a large part to play in your mental development. Mental development continues throughout life.
Emotional Development This involves learning how to handle feelings and emotions. In order to develop emotionally you need to love yourself and feel secure in yourself. This is called self-esteem. When you have self-esteem you accept yourself and don’t put yourself down. A person is more likely to have self- esteem if they grow up in a secure loving family and are well treated by others. A person who is emotionally mature: feels secure and confident, is accepted by those around and is able to cope with their emotions such as love, fear and anger.
Personality: your personality is a mirror of your emotional development. It determines how you react to life in behavior and feelings. Personality and emotional development are shaped by heredity and environment.
Social Development This is how you learn to get on with (relate to) other people. It teaches you how to behave in a socially acceptable manner e.g. have good manners, treat others well. Social development begins within the family, then gradually widens to include friends, and the wider community at school and at work.
During adolescence, the peer group has a great influence on social development. Your peer group is the people of your own age with share the same interests. Peer pressure is occurs when peers expect others to behave as they do e.g. dress in a certain way, even if it is not a good thing
Moral Development This means developing a sense of what is right and wrong. Moral development is influenced by parents, school, community, religion and the media. People are expected to behave in a way which fits in with society and does not hurt anyone or damage their property.
A norm is an acceptable way of behaving. Examples Acceptable Behavior: following school rules, following the rules of the road Unacceptable Behavior: vandalism, using bad language. Norms
A value is an acceptable moral standard of a person or group. Our values influence our behavior. Those with strong moral values will treat themselves and others with respect. Values
Dealing with conflict If you are fighting with a parent or someone else: Do not get aggressive or blame them. Do not ignore the problem―it will not go away. Do listen and calmly discuss the issue and try to work out a solution.
Changing role of adolescence Adolescence is a time of change. During this period adolescents prepare for life as responsible adults by; Achieving emotional independence. Learning to behave in a more socially responsible way. Adjusting to sexual changes
Acquiring a set of values Developing a sense of identify Looking to the future Concentrating on their education Becoming financially independent.
Influences on Adolescents Parents and family Peer group The school environment Adults in the community: youth leaders eg Media