The Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship Academy (IDEA)
IDEA’s 3 Key Priorities Personalized Education Learn at your pace in the way that works for you Mentors + Internships Try out different careers to find the best fit for you! Next Generation Skills Develop habits of innovation, collaboration, and communication
What does Personalized Learning mean? I learn what I need to know, when I’m ready to learn it, in a way that works for me
Mentors + Internships Freshman Year: Mentor Students who are “Intern Ready” try out any career that seems interesting to you!
Next Generation Skills We support + coach our students to grow in these areas. Coming to IDEA means you want to get better at these skills and are willing to work on it!
Quick Facts to Know ●Every student has their own laptop to access work personalized to them ●~115 students/grade -Next year: 9th and 10th only ●4 hours of tutoring built into day each week ●20 mins/day to read ●Graduate on Business + Industry Endorsement -Only school where every student has an internship
What’s A Typical Schedule?
●Extended School Day ●8 credits ●Integrated Art/Digital Design ●Physics as a freshman ●20 min/day of Book Study ●Learning Lab (daily tutoring)
What Else Do I Need to Know? ●UIL/Sports? IDEA won’t have sports. We have student-made clubs and you can play sports at your home school ●Magnet? IDEA is not a magnet; there are no academic requirements to attend ●Uniform? No! ●Buses? Available ●Apply? Applications due 1/29
What Else Do I Need to Know? Fill out; get parent’s signature; turn into counselor