Approved Professional Development Identification Code? What’s that? Sheryl Norwood, Ed.S. Online Professional Development Specialist Arkansas Department of Education
It is a 13-digit ADE ID Code. A what? A Code that is generated in PDSAM. The Code is an assurance that a program is/was approved by ADE. Oh… vm or
How can I find out if a program is/was approved by ADE? You can start with the FIND APPLICATIONS search tool in PDSAM. Where? vm or
In ADE PDSAM. PD What? PDSAM Oh… vm or
If I want to become an “ADE Approved Professional Development Provider,” where do I start? vm or
In ADE PDSAM. PD What? PDSAM vm or
PDSAM? Yes, Professional Development must be approved by ADE vm or
So, what is it and how do I find this Code in PDSAM? PDSAM – is the Arkansas Department of Education’s Professional Development Submission and Management Web based approval System vm or
If you are searching for professional development that is/was approved by ADE, Scroll to: FIND APPLICATIONS search tool in PDSAMPDSAM vm or
Go to: PDSAM
Scroll to: Find Applications
Use Keywords to FIND
Read Applications and Decide: Code Application LINK Expires
If you are hoping to become an ADE “Approved Professional Development Provider” Register as a New User in: PDSAM vm or
Register as a New User
Call: Arkansas Department of Education Professional Development – PDSAM Info: Sheryl A. Norwood ADE PDSAM Online PD
Rules? What Rules? ADE Rules Governing Professional Development ADE Rules Governing Professional Development Look for the K-12 Rules LINK in PDSAM About/Rules/Current/P