Lesmurdie Senior High School Thriving in a nurturing environment Conditional Standing – Planning for improvement
What is Conditional Standing? Relates to the standard set by the Curriculum Council to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (graduation). Our school’s attempt to communicate how a student’s performance compares with the standard required to graduate. An opportunity for students, parents and the school to work together to address issues in performance and to implement strategies for improvement.
The Senior School Standards at LSHS Performance Standard - Maintain a ‘C’ average 18 points (A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1). Attendance Standard – 80% attendance in all classes Conduct Standard – Maintain good conduct
Performance Standards for Current Year 12 students to graduate. (abridged) Achieve English Language Competence Achieve 5 ‘C’ grades with a minimum of 3 being in Exit Year
Performance Standards for Current Year 11 students to graduate. (abridged) Achieve English Language Competence Achieve 8 ‘C’ grades with a minimum of 4 being in Exit Year.
General Performance Tips Students must be doing daily review. – We learn best from assimilating new information into what we already know. 30 to 45 minutes of review for each class in a day. A sixth day for catching up and further development. Writing while you read is essential to maximising retention. Summarising information is important. Being organised is important. Using your Course Outlines and other information to focus on what is important.
Some Specifics Students must study for English. – 30 minutes reading each day. – One piece of practice writing per week. – Talk to English teachers who will provide reading lists and practice essay topics. – English teachers will provide feedback on writing so that students can develop skills.
Some More Specifics Many Courses contain lots of small pieces of connected information which needs to be: – Summarised (taking notes while reading and reviewing) – Simplified (recipe cards) – Assimilated (Review in relation to Course Outlines) – Assessed (do practice questions, past papers etc) – Use Study Logs to identify difficult areas of the a Course.
Some Common Mistakes Not reading and summarising. Not being consistent with ongoing review. Using questions and past papers to learn material when not properly prepared. Over-use of technology. – Strategic use is important. INCLUDING MOBILE PHONES, MSN AND FACEBOOK AS A PART OF THE STUDY PROCESS DOES NOT WORK!
How is our School supporting improvement? Homework/Study Logs Specialised notification processes for teachers to use in information Senior School Manager of performance. Curtin Coaches Yourtutor (sign up in the Front Office) Semester Review
Semester Two Standing Review End of Semester Two Year 11 student on Conditional Standing for two Semesters in a row run the risk of not being promoted into Exit Year in Why? – Our ultimate aim is for students to successfully complete school. Achieve to the best of their ability in their program Place them in a competitive position to enter the next phase of their life. Gain a sense of achievement from school. – A student who does not meet the Senior School Standards for two semesters in a row is unlikely to experience any of this.
What is the next step? Questions A conversation between parents and their student about the situation. Conversations with teachers. Develop a plan for improvement and stick to it. Celebrate the successes!