Grievance pilot program: Rejected at last FS meeting. Concerns which were expressed: a)Size of panel too small, influence of manipulated swing votes could become too significant b)Not enough data to evaluate pilot program FS officers and other faculty met with UM System and IFC representatives. RP&A feels that these concerns were adequately addressed as follows: Pilot program allows for two parallel panels. Our campus would have the option of using both for all hearings and thereby effectively increase the size of the panel. It was also pointed out that the oversight committee plays a much more important role than assumed so far in our deliberations.
Whereas the position of interim chancellor is significant, the FS respectfully requests that the S & T faculty's opinion be considered in the selection of the interim chancellor. Motion by RP&A:
Elections of FS officers: currentnominated by RP&A ParliamentarianMark FitchMartin Bohner (sabbatical) SecretaryJames MartinKeith Nisbett (leaving S&T) President-ElectMichael DavisNick Leventis PresidentK.M. IsaacMichael Davis Past PresidentMichael SchulzK.M. Isaac IFC representatives: traditionally Past President, President, President- Elect Isaac, Davis, Leventis nominated MAFS representative: traditionally President-Elect with President being alternate Leventis nominated with Davis as alternate
In accordance with the bylaws, the campus P&T committee nominated two of its members to serve on the UM-wide P&T committee. These nominations need to be approved by FS and voted on by the General Faculty at the May 3 meeting. The nominees are a)Gerald Cohen b)Ronald Bieniek