Leg 3 - Group 6 October 9 th – 10 th, 2008 Julio Salcedo, Sarah Graham, Brian Claus Picture by Sheilagh O’Leary Anne S. Pierce
Overview Conception Bay Cruise October 9 th -10 th Bell Island Tickle Focus Towed Instruments Stations Moorings
X : Stations : Tracks : Plotted ADCP TrackPlotted Legend Day 4 Day 5
Biosonics Echosounder DeltaT Multibeam Sonar EdgeTech Sidescan Sonar EdgeTech SubBottom Profiler RDI Towed ADCP Seabird CTD Secchi Disk Plankton Net Grab Bucket Moored RDI ADCP Thermistor Chain Grab Bucket Terminals Type of Data Pictures by Julio Salcedo
Figure 7: Multibeam Sonar ?????Display
Echo-Sounder Data Map
StationDate Secchi Disk depth (m) LatitudeLongitude OCT09S4October 911N47 o W53 o OCT10S2October 1011N47 o W52 o Pictures by Julio Salcedo Coral and Juvenile Starfish Grab Bucket Retrieval
Grab Bucket Data StationLatitudeLongitudeSubstrateDate Dept h OCT09S447 o N53 o WRocky9-Oct21 m OCT09S647 o N53 o WRocky9-Oct25 m Harbour47 o N52 o WSample to be analyzed9-Oct22 m OCT10S247 o N52 o WSea urchin, coral, seaweeds10-Oct24 m OCT09S4 OCT09S6 Harbour OCT10S2
Plankton Net Deployment Plankton Groups Picture by Julio Salcedo GroupsCode CopepodsCOPE CladoceranCLAD Gastropod LarvaeGASL ChaetognathCHAE LarvaceanLARV Starfish LarvaeSTAL Echinoderm LarvaeECHL JellyJELL Shrimp LarvaeSHPL PteropodPTER MysidMYSI Polychaete LarvaePOLY
Plankton Composition Concentration (ind/m 3 ) StationOCT09S4OCT09S5OCT10S2 DepthShallow (20 m)Deep (60 m)Shallow (30 m)Deep (70 m)Shallow (30 m)Deep (70 m) Latitude47 o N47 o N47 o N47 o N47 o N47 o N Longitude53 o W53 o W53 o W53 o W52 o W53 o W COPE CLAD GASL CHAE LARV STAL ECHL JELL SHPL PTER MYSI POLY TOTAL
Plankton Composition
Plankton Images Gastropod LarvaeCladoceran Copepod
Figure 8: Information Gathered from CTD casts at Stations 4,5,6,OCT-S1 and OCT-S2
Problems Encountered Signal Interference Out of Range Multibeam Grab Bucket Rough Conditions Plankton Nets Noise in Readings Synchronization SubBottom Profiler Track
Data Filtering Comparisons CTD to Thermistor Chain Towed Instruments Manuel’s River Outflow CTD to Plankton Concentration