The 45 mark question
Key C – nothing G – has F# D – has F# C# F – has Bb Bb – has Bb Eb BbAD FOOD CAN GIVE DIARRHOEA!!! 2b 1b 0 1# 2#
Key D major (example) 7 th G Fifth A B C# D E F# G Third F# G A B C# D E Root D Em F# G A Bm C# Chord symbol D Em F# G A Bm C# 1 ii iii IV V Vi Viii V7
What is a Cadence??? A Cadence is a point of rest in a piece of music Usually after every 4 or 8 bars
Perfect Cadence (V – 1) End of piece/finished. Plagal Cadence (IV – 1) (Amen) End of piece / finished.
Imperfect Cadences - middle of piece (1 – V / ii – V / IV – V ) (not finished!) (resting but not asleep!) Interrupted Cadence (V – Vi) – middle of piece (not finished)
Next Step………………….. Count the bars in the piece (usually 8) Mark the Cadence Points - half-way (bar 4) and at the end (last 2 chords) Fill in the Cadences
Write in names of all notes in each bar Decide what chord on the chart has most or all of those notes Write that chord in the box!
The chord box covers all the notes up to the next chord box Choose a major chord ( 1, IV, V ) before a minor chord (ii, Vi) Good endings: ii – V – 1 or IV – V - 1
Do not have the same chord twice in succession e.g D followed by another D Do not use ii – 1
And get 45 marks!!!