{ River Dynasties in China
Objectives WHI.3 Objective: The student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of ancient river valley civilizations, including the Huang He, by: Locating the civilization in time and place Describing the development of social, political, and economic patterns, including slavery Explaining the development of religious traditions Explaining the development of language and writing Essential Questions: Why did Ancient Civilizations develop in river valleys? Where were the earliest civilizations located? When did these civilizations exist? What were the social, political, and economic characteristics of early civilizations What religious traditions developed in ancient civilizations? What forms of language and writing existed in early civilizations?
GeographyGeography of China Geography Long distances and physical barriers separated it from Egypt, the Middle East, and India Long distances and physical barriers separated it from Egypt, the Middle East, and India This isolation led to the belief that China was the center of the earth and sole source of civilization This isolation led to the belief that China was the center of the earth and sole source of civilization
Southeast Jungles
Gobi Desert
Regions China’s Heartland Huang He (yellow) River and the Yangzi river supported the largest populations
Xinjiang, Mongolia, and Manchuria Xinjiang and Mongolia are harsh and rugged Xinjiang and Mongolia are harsh and rugged Mainly nomads and subsistence farmers Mainly nomads and subsistence farmers At times invaders from these regions conquered China At times invaders from these regions conquered China Genghis Khan and the Mongols Genghis Khan and the Mongols
River of Sorrows Chinese history starts in Huang He valley Chinese history starts in Huang He valley Called “yellow” river because of the loess that turns the river yellow Called “yellow” river because of the loess that turns the river yellow“yellow” Called “China’s Sorrow” because of the constant flooding Called “China’s Sorrow” because of the constant flooding
First Dynasties Peking Man- Homo erectus skeleton discovered near Beijing on the Yellow River, settled 500,000 years ago Myth: 2000 B.C.E. first civilization arose Mythic ancestor of Chinese: P’an Ku A leader named Yu tamed Huang He river No written records Fact Fact organized state rose around 2000 B.C.E. with irrigation of Hwang He river organized state rose around 2000 B.C.E. with irrigation of Hwang He river By 1000 B.C.E. By 1000 B.C.E. Used pottery, Rode horses Used pottery, Rode horses Used Bronze, Introduced Iron Used Bronze, Introduced Iron Writing developed Writing developed Scientific advances Scientific advances Interest in music Interest in music
Shang Dynasty 1532 B.C. E. Shang controlled Huang He valley 1532 B.C. E. Shang controlled Huang He valley Invaders? Invaders? Dominated until 1027 B.C.E. Dominated until 1027 B.C.E. Decline due to Invasion Decline due to Invasion Characteristics: Characteristics: First to leave written records First to leave written records constructed impressive tombs and palaces constructed impressive tombs and palaces
Oracle bones: animal bones or turtle shells on which priests wrote questions to ancestors or gods’ by interpreting the cracks in the bone, they answers were provided Writing
Written Chinese Created 4,000 years ago Created 4,000 years ago Each character represented a word or and idea Each character represented a word or and idea Over 10,000 characters Over 10,000 characters Calligraphy was an art form Calligraphy was an art form Writing was a unifying force since not everyone spoke the same language. Writing was a unifying force since not everyone spoke the same language.
Zhou Dynasty 1027 B.C. E. the Zhou overthrew the Shang 1027 B.C. E. the Zhou overthrew the Shang Lasted until 256 B.C. Lasted until 256 B.C. To justify overthrowing the Shang, the Zhou promoted the idea of Mandate of Heaven, or divine right to rule To justify overthrowing the Shang, the Zhou promoted the idea of Mandate of Heaven, or divine right to rule Explains the dynastic cycle Explains the dynastic cycle Floods and famine were a sign that the dynasty was out of favor with the gods. Floods and famine were a sign that the dynasty was out of favor with the gods.
Feudal States Zhou rewarded supporters with land Zhou rewarded supporters with land Feudalism: system of government in which local lords governed their own land but owed military service to ruler Feudalism: system of government in which local lords governed their own land but owed military service to ruler Eventually feudalism became more powerful than the dynasty Eventually feudalism became more powerful than the dynasty
Achievements Iron-making leads to more food production Iron-making leads to more food production New crops and irrigation systems New crops and irrigation systems Commerce expanded, use of money Commerce expanded, use of money New roads and canals New roads and canals Led to increase in population Led to increase in population
Warring States Period 771 B.C.E. – nomads sacked the Zhou capital of Hao and murdered the monarch A few family members escaped and ruled from new capital for 500 years Powerless, couldn’t control noble families Warlords claimed to be “kings” of territory Led to “warring states” period Warring States Warfare changed, no longer honorable Peasants main force on battlefield New weapons such as a crossbow Central values changed No longer order, harmony, and respect for authority…. Now chaos, arrogance and defiance
Objectives WHI.3 Objective: The student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of ancient river valley civilizations, including the Huang He, by: Locating the civilization in time and place Describing the development of social, political, and economic patterns, including slavery Explaining the development of religious traditions Explaining the development of language and writing Essential Questions: Why did Ancient Civilizations develop in river valleys? Where were the earliest civilizations located? When did these civilizations exist? What were the social, political, and economic characteristics of early civilizations What religious traditions developed in ancient civilizations? What forms of language and writing existed in early civilizations?