THE VILLAGE OF LA ATALAYITA. THE VILLAGE OF LA ATALAYITA. Cristina León Soto. Raquel Rodríguez Acosta. Tatiana Rodríguez Roger.
THE VILLAGE OF LA ATALAYITA (ANTIGUA) The village of la Atalayita is in Pozo Negro (Antigua). It has got an area of square meters.
THE INHABITANTS The inhabitants of this village were the Mahos who were the aborigines of Fuerteventura. These inhabitants came from the North of Africa.
THE HOUSE OF THE MAHOS The mahos lived in this village because of its fertile land, it had water, etc. They lived in caves. The caves were made of volcanic rocks.
VEGETATION There is not much vegetation. The typical ones are: Rabo de cordero, Cosco, La Tabaiba amarga and Gamona. They are plants that do not need much water.
ANIMALS. You can also find some animals like cabras, the erizo moruno, the Cernícalo, the Camachuelo Trompetero, the Tarabilla Canaria, the Alcaudón real, the Guirre, the Lisa majorera and the Corredor.
Goat / cabra Egyptian vulture / Guirre Kestrel /Cernicalo Hedgehog /Erizo moruno Lizard Moor bird /Camachuelo
NATURAL PROTECTED AREA This place is a natural protected area.