Albert de Vos,ROC Zeeland, Project manager TSS The educational contant chain in full practice.


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Presentation transcript:

Albert de Vos,ROC Zeeland, Project manager TSS The educational contant chain in full practice

History of the TSS project TSS feasibility study 2005 TSS ECC 2006 TSS Connect IECC 2007 TSS European Repository Project Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

The TSS Europe Community VLE independent Storage of knowledge Retrieving formal content Sharing knowledge Editing / re-using content Searching and finding content Arranging content Collaborative Learning

applications (portals, search pages, VLE, etc) metadata store KlasCement Belgium FENC U.K. TSS Europe search engine OAI harvester repositories (IR, websites, databases, etc) OAI-PMH SRU/SRW RSS/ATOM OAI-PMH VLEe-Portfolio Edurep

Webbased learning materials in 5 steps through the chain: Step 1: Development of learning materials, correct labeling and storing Step 2: Making learning materials available from the TSS Europe (FENC) repository through correct use of metadata Step 3: Searching and finding of learning materials by harvesting metadata. (Edurep) Step 4: Arranging (selecting en arranging) of learning materials, so that relevant learning arrangements are produced. Step 5: the actual learning: Usage of the learning materials by the students.


Development Word-plugin; Generates interactive educational content for VLE; Modified to (inter)national Content search profile(metadata); Dutch and English interface; Easy to use ( approx. 1 hour); Automatic SCORM and IMS for retrievability; Training available from the project in English and Dutch; Special pricing for Wimba Create for members

Making available Accessible through Edurep; “best practice” from the U.K. for Europe; English, Dutch and Romanian infrastructure and arranging tools; E-Source; Review tools; Single Sign On (Open Passport); Standardisation: connection Wimba Create and FENC through content seach profile The TSS Repository Under construction:

Finding Zeeland Digital Portfolio (Portfolio4U); Open Source VLE based on SAKAI; Searching interface ZDP/VLE linked to Edurep; Storage functionality of content within portfolio; Via e-Portfolio

Arranging Wimba Create; TSS Repository Arranging in TSS with: With Wimba Create learning objects are produced in MS Word; The learning object is stored in the repository after metadating according to the content search profile Within the TSS repository (FENC) it is possible to arrange a curriculum

Usage In the TSS project teachers learn to store content correctly in the repository; Students learn how to find content and store it in their portfolio; Teachers learn how to retrieve learning objects and arrangements from the repository and place them inside a VLE; Teachers learn how to manage learning material within their own field. In VLE and Portfolio

Usage All members in the community decide for themselves what content they would like to share. In E-Source

Titel plaatsen Presentatietitel The European Commission have made funding available to introduce the TSS initiative in the countries of the European Community, starting with: Belgium; England; Romania; The Netherlands. Lifelong Learning Programme

Collecting labels Mobile TSS Mobile Content FENC/ TSSEurope repository Searching/finding Harvesting labels VLEPortfolio Edurep labels The challenge

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