CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS© Thomson South-Western 11.4Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Explain what is meant by aggregate output and the economy’s price level. Describe the aggregate demand curve and the aggregate supply curve, and show how they determine the equilibrium level of price and aggregate output. Objectives
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS© Thomson South-Western 11.4Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply aggregate output aggregate demand price level aggregate demand curve aggregate supply curve Key Terms
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS© Thomson South-Western 11.4 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply SLIDE 3 Aggregate Output Aggregate output is the total amount of all final goods and services produced in the economy during a given period. Aggregate demand is the relationship between the average price of aggregate output and the quantity of aggregate output demanded.
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS© Thomson South-Western 11.4 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply SLIDE 4 The Price Level The price level is a composite measure reflecting the prices of all goods and services in the economy relative to prices in a base year.
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS© Thomson South-Western 11.4 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply SLIDE 5 Real Gross Domestic Product After adjusting GDP for price changes, you end up with real GDP.
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS© Thomson South-Western 11.4 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply SLIDE 6 Aggregate Demand Curve The aggregate demand curve shows the relationship between the price level in the economy and the real GDP demanded.
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS© Thomson South-Western 11.4 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply SLIDE 7 Aggregate Supply Curve The aggregate supply curve shows how much output U.S. producers are willing and able to supply at each price level.
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS© Thomson South-Western 11.4 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply SLIDE 8 Equilibrium The intersection of the aggregate demand curve and aggregate supply curve determines the equilibrium levels of price and real GDP in the economy.
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS© Thomson South-Western 11.4 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply SLIDE 9 Aggregate Demand Supply The economy’s real GDP and price level are determined at the intersection of the aggregate demand and aggregate supply curves. Figure 11.9
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS© Thomson South-Western 11.4 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply SLIDE 10 U.S. Real GDP and Price Level Since 1929 Figure 11.10