CHARACTERISTICS Far more diverse than Kingdom Plantae Consist of the most complex organisms consisting of about 2 million species Heterotrophic, multicellular eukaryotes belongs to this kingdom Vary in size – ranging from microscopic to the most gigantic creatures
Kingdom Animalia are divided into 2 groups 1. Vertebrates - animals with backbones 2. Invertebrates - animal without backbone
VERTEBRATES 1. MAMMALS - covered with hair and they have mammary glands - these gland secrete milk of females who have just delivered their young - warm-blooded animals Ex. Cats, dogs, goat, whales and dolphins
VERTEBRATES 2. BIRDS -feathers cover their body - they have beaks or bill which they used to get food - they have a pair of wings that enable them to fly - they are also warm blooded animals that lay eggs from which their young is hatched
VERTEBRATES 3. REPTILES -they have thick, dry scales that cover the bodies of reptiles to prevent the excessive loss of water - they are cold blooded animals - some have four legs, while others have no legs at all
VERTEBRATES 4. AMPHIBIANS - live in water during the early stage of their life and begin to stay on land where they can get enough food - body is covered by a thin, flexible and usually moist skin - their eggs are fertilized externally
VERTEBRATES 5. FISH - they have scales as body covering and they breathe through the gills - they also have lungs for breathing - red snappers are all bony fishes - sharks and rays are cartilagenous fishes
INVERTEBRATES 1. PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA - marine organisms with spiny skins - from the Greek terms echinos (meaning hedgehog) and derma (meaning skin) - the tube feet and system of canals in the body that serves as a channel for sucking in the sea water to obtain nutrients and for vomiting sea water
INVERTEBRATES 2. PHYLUM ARTHOPODA - they have a pair of 3 or more jointed legs - from the Greek term arthron ( meaning joint) and podus (meaning foot) - they have an exoskeleton or hard outer body covering made up of chitin - the largest phylum in kingdom Animalia
INVERTEBRATES 3. PHYLUM MOLLUSKA -they have soft body - from Latin term mollis, which means soft - most have protective shells as the outer covering
INVERTEBRATES 4. PHYLUM ANNELIDA -characterized by ringlike body parts - they are worms with segmented body - they have a mouth at the front and anus at the tail end of their bodies - they have hearts and blood vessels that constitute a circulatory system
INVERTEBRATES 5. PHYLUM NEMATODA - roundworms are cylindrical worms with a finely tapered tail - the body is covered with a tough, non living skin that resist drying and crushing
INVERTEBRATES 6. PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES - the simplest worm - some of them are free living while others are parasitic, living in the bodies of animals including humans
INVERTEBRATES 7. PHYLUM CNIDARIA - posses stinging structures called nematocysts in their tentacles - characterized by a hallow, tube like bodies, with a mouth at the end
INVERTEBRATES 8. PHYLUM PORIFERA - pore-bearing organisms - they may live singly or in colonies - they eat by allowing water to flow through their bodies and trapping small organisms in the water using their specialized cells