2 Cameron and Associates, Inc. Cameron and Associates, Inc. is a privately and minority owned Employee Assistance Program (EAP) consulting firm who offers assistance to employees, their family and household members.
3 The Employee Assistance Program/Tiger Assistance Program is a CONFIDENTIAL service that provides professional counseling and consultation to employees, their family and household members for any type of personal problem. What is EAP/TAP?
4 Improve the psychological health of your employees and students. What is the Purpose of EAP/TAP? It will help staff & students: Develop coping skills Develop coping skills Accept a greater degree of personal responsibility Accept a greater degree of personal responsibility Resolve their individual, marital, family and job performance problems. Resolve their individual, marital, family and job performance problems. Improve their productivity Improve their productivity Improve attendance and punctuality Improve attendance and punctuality
8 What workers say about Stress on the Job NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 40% 25%50% 26% 25%50% 29% 25%50% 40% of workers report that their job is “very or extremely stressful.” 26% of workers report that they are “often or very often burned out or stressed by their work.” 29% of workers report that they feel “quite a bit or extremely stressed at work.”
9 Problems related to stress and anger managementProblems related to stress and anger management Marriage and relationship problemsMarriage and relationship problems Child and family concernsChild and family concerns Family counseling servicesFamily counseling services Alcohol and drug problemsAlcohol and drug problems Emotional problems, such as anxiety or depressionEmotional problems, such as anxiety or depression Problems coping with grief and lossProblems coping with grief and loss Critical incidence stress debriefingCritical incidence stress debriefing What kind of services EAP/TAP offers?
10 Work problems, such as time management, problems with co-workers, organizational skills, professional growth and job burnoutWork problems, such as time management, problems with co-workers, organizational skills, professional growth and job burnout Workplace cultural and diversity trainingWorkplace cultural and diversity training Financial or credit problemsFinancial or credit problems Legal problems requiring advice and consultationLegal problems requiring advice and consultation Childcare and Eldercare concernsChildcare and Eldercare concerns Leadership and Teambuilding TrainingLeadership and Teambuilding Training Dysfunctional Team InterventionsDysfunctional Team Interventions Behavioral Health Care ManagementBehavioral Health Care Management
11 Four Benefits of CAI Support for the Employer Support for the Employer
12 Support for the Employee Support for the Employee
13 Preventive Care
14 Emergency Consultation Emergency Consultation
Did you know? Employees and their eligible household members can receive 8 sessions per issue Students and their eligible household members can receive 4 sessions per issue Providers are conveniently located in your neighborhood 15
16 Who is going to pay for this? This benefit is pre-paid by your employer/college.This benefit is pre-paid by your employer/college. You are not responsible for paying for services within the designated number of sessions.You are not responsible for paying for services within the designated number of sessions. If services are assessed to be outside the scope of the EAP/TAP, you will be referred to your medical benefit plan or to community resources for further assistance.If services are assessed to be outside the scope of the EAP/TAP, you will be referred to your medical benefit plan or to community resources for further assistance. If you go beyond the designated number of sessions, you will bear the cost, however your financial resources are considered before a referral is made.If you go beyond the designated number of sessions, you will bear the cost, however your financial resources are considered before a referral is made.
17 Confidentiality Confidentiality is critical to the success of the EAP Confidentiality is critical to the success of the EAP The provider protects the identity of clients The provider protects the identity of clients All communication between a clients and EAP Providers is privileged and carefully protected All communication between a clients and EAP Providers is privileged and carefully protected Professional licensing regulations prohibit disclosure of information without written consent from the client Professional licensing regulations prohibit disclosure of information without written consent from the client Employees make their first contact directly by phone and then attend counseling sessions at the provider’s office Employees make their first contact directly by phone and then attend counseling sessions at the provider’s office The provider carefully staggers appointments to make sure employees or dependents from the same company do not meet The provider carefully staggers appointments to make sure employees or dependents from the same company do not meet The statistical reports that provide information to the employer protect the identity of clients The statistical reports that provide information to the employer protect the identity of clients
18 Step One Employees CALL US… Office hours to schedule appointments Office hours to schedule appointments – Office hours M-F 8:00AM to 5:00PM eastern time for personal assistance. AppointmentsAppointments –M-F 8:00AM to 7:00PM (last appointment scheduled at 7:00PM) – Saturdays 8:00AM to 2:00PM (last appointment scheduled at 2:00PM) Emergencies - Call the toll-free numberEmergencies - Call the toll-free number or our local number, or our local number, (24 hours a day 7 days a week) (24 hours a day 7 days a week)
19 Step One Students CALL US… Office hours to schedule appointments Office hours to schedule appointments – Office hours M-F 8:00AM to 5:00PM eastern time for personal assistance. AppointmentsAppointments –M-F 8:00AM to 7:00PM (last appointment scheduled at 7:00PM) – Saturdays 8:00AM to 2:00PM (last appointment scheduled at 2:00PM) Emergencies - Call the toll-free numberEmergencies - Call the toll-free number or our local number, or our local number, (24 hours a day 7 days a week) (24 hours a day 7 days a week)
20 Step Two Answer a Few Questions, such as:Answer a Few Questions, such as: – Your Name – Your Social Security Number – The Name of Your Company/School – Your Presenting Problem or Concern
21 Step Three When you arrive, complete:When you arrive, complete: – Demographic Form – Statement of Understanding Form Provides information on the number of sessionsProvides information on the number of sessions If you cannot keep a scheduled appointment, please call within 24 hours to cancel the appointment
22 CAI Helps Your Company Develop a Healthier Corporate Culture and Employee Peace of Mind Q & A