Fecal Sludge Management in Indonesia February, 2016
MDGsSDG (Sustainable Development Goals) ToiletSewerage & pumpingWW-TP Reuse/ disposal Treatment Reuse/ disposal Transport Collection Containment Sewerage Systems On site systems Toilet & septic tank Sep - TP Reuse/ disposal Emptying & transport Communal Systems Sep- TP Reuse/ disposal Emptying Transport Communal Sept Tank Toilet Fecal Sludge Management Improved Septage Management
The service chain is not yet integrated No / unclear responsibilities & lack of regulations No monitoring / law enforcement on pollution control No commitment by decision makers Resulting in.. Low demand for improved sanitation systems Septic Treatment Plants under utilized investments Large contamination of surface /ground water Dumping septage in rivers by private sector Pit / Septic Tank IPLT Reuse / disposal Transport Emptying Current Situation
Service Chain is Needed Improved latrines and access to emptying Professional Operator for Desludging & Managing Septage Treatment Plant Good emptying service & transport Convenient / accountable payment system All septage is safely disposed and treated Good Treatment Reuse / disposal Efficienct Transport Correct Emptying Proper Septic tanks
Urban Wastewater “Sanburger” Framework SAN 1: Household “On-Site” System SAN 2: Communal Systems SAN 3: Sewer Sys. Policy, Regulation, Enforcement, Finance SAN 4: Integrated Septage Management Policy, Regulation, Enforcement, Finance Promotion / Behavior Change Communication City Wastewater Management Unit
Principle 1 => “Polluter Pay” Principle => every polluter should pay, not only the ones connected Principle 3 => => Capital Cost by G’ment / donor (or microfinance) => Op & Main is 100% by user tariffs (pre-finance at start-up) 3 (Financial) principles Principle 2 => Efficienct payment system when combined with other (utility) bills, like Water supply, electricity, property tax
30% population Kota Surakarta Is a progressive city in Indonesia By sewerage system which (in the future) will connect with management of domestic Waste Water sewerage system
70% population still needs to overcome Problems of waste water For the non-connected.. however Waste water risk map NamaStatus S.Gajah PutihTercemar Kali AnyarTercemar S.PepeTercemar S.BrojoTercemar S.JenesTercemar S.BhayangkaraTercemar Kota Surakarta
Septage Management System that is integrated & sustainable Needs a unit on-site which is proper & registered A A Years cycle 3 3 for Scheduled desludging B B Sludge collection Sludge collection (by private sector) C C treated reused Sludge is treated and reused in safe way D D Kota Surakarta
Planning Pilot (2015) Target: Customers PDAM in Kecamatan Jebres Government buildings Activities: Registration septic tanks Customer Database => MIS Intense Promotion / Marketing Desluding & transportation Disposal in IPLT Putri Cempo Monthly payment
Improved FSM (Regular Desludging “RD”) started in 10 cities Ministry of Public Works already prepared RD guidelines Cost recovery tariff calculated and accepted by local s/holders Android (smart phone) app for census on accessibility of septic tanks under development (field testing) Local regulations for RD in place or under development Contracts by RD operator with private sector ongoing Close Collaboration with GOI, WB/WSP, Dutch donors and ADB Progress (Feb 2016)