EEA INSPIRE Team| 25th Nov |Copenhagen Questionnaire results and conclusions
16 answers – From Bulgaria till Turkey (alphabetically) Thanks to all participants Survey results
Survey question #1 Were you personally involved in the development of some INSPIRE technical guidelines? 15 – no 1 – involvement in Protected Sites
Survey question #2 Was your organisation involved in the development of some INSPIRE technical guidelines? 6 - yes –2 x DS Human health and safety –2 x DS Environmental monitoring facilities –DS Soil –DS Area Management –TG View and discovery services
Survey question #3 Are you producing new datasets conformant to INSPIRE data specifications or are you making existing datasets conformant to INSPIRE data specifications? Broad majority is preparing to make existing data sets conformant, e.g. –Corine Land Cover –Air Quality –Natura 2000
Survey question #4 Please select the INSPIRE network services you are running. Mainly –View service –Download service –Discovery service
Survey question #5 How do you see INSPIRE implementation in your country developing? Diverse picture –Implementation is progressing, gets on speed including materialization of benefits –Implementation still starting phase Annex I most progressed Download service implementation and data harmonization is seen as challenge
Survey question #6 How is your relation with your National INSPIRE contact point? Where can INSPIRE governance be improved? Relationship with the INSPIRE NCP –From no contact at all to close and distant relations –INSPIRE NCP support on short notice Need for –Capacity building –Benefits become more visible
Survey question #7 Where do you see the benefits in implementing INSPIRE? Availability of (meta-) data and services Sharing and reusing spatial information Interoperability and professionalization of institutional SDIs Impression: Benefits are in progress of materialization
Survey question #8 Which obstacles in implementing INSPIRE can you identify? How can there be overcome? Lack of capacity (skills) and resources Complexity of specifications and models Non-transparent change process Lack of Best Practices INSPIRE is not yet taken up by national eGovernment systems Thematic and IT communities are still not connected sufficiently
Survey question #9 What is your expectation related to INSPIRE support by EEA in the coming years? Capacity building and training Improved coordination and alignment on EU level (e.g. reporting and INSPIRE) Providing Best Practices and countries participating in EEA pilot projects Also Open up GEMET for feedback
Survey question #10 Any other recommendation you like to provide to EEA in your role as NRC EIS related to the topic of INSPIRE implementation Alignment of reporting with INSPIRE Service based reporting INSPIRE data available also on other platforms (e.g. DCAT, CKAN)
Thanks! EEA INSPIRE Team C. Ansorge, S. Jensen, D. Lihteneger, P. Hasenohr