My Favorite Car Stephanie Perrins COMM 115A Prof. Keating February 16, 2012
1955 Ford Thunderbird
Was considered to be a competitive concept car to the Chevy Corvette The Corvette was developed around the same time Not too many were produced during the first year Only 16,000 were made Had all of the parts that guys were looking for V8 engine capable of going up to 120 mph Original cost: $2, Information on Car
Comparison between 1 st and 11 th Generations Ist Generation Considered to be a true American classic Seen in such movies as Grease Has a distinct look to it 11 th Generation Not as desired as the original Sales were not as high with this model
My Grandfather owns this car Same year and model, but different color It was the first car that I drove when I was 16 I like the look of antique cars They have that certain edge that newer cars do not It comes in my favorite color: baby blue My love for the Thunderbird
There’s nothing like the Classics