Career Development Annette Weeres, RN BScN MN Heidi Birks, RPN
Overview Introduction to Career Directions© Why do you need a mentor? How do you prepare for your interview?
Why Career Planning is Important? Career planning is a strategy (donnerwheeler, 2009)
Career Plan = Successful Vision Professional Development is a life long process
Take Control to Make Dreams Reality Only you can make your career dream a reality
Career Directions© Scanning your Environment
Career Conversations
Career Directions© Self Assessment
Career Directions© Creating your Career Vision
Career Directions© Developing your Strategic Plan NOW HOW WHERE
Career Directions© Marketing Yourself
Career Directions© Sustaining your Career Plan Self Assessment Visioning Planning Marketing Scanning
Advancing Your Career Through Mentorship
Why have a mentor? Mentors have more experience and can provide access to information
How do I find a mentor?
Preparing for the Interview
The Interview
Following Up
Resources To access the Interviewing Resources Careers Career Directions Marketing Interviewing For more assistance contact