How to Improve Your English
Language learning is a process ( 過程 ). It is not learned instantly.
How do we learn new things? When we hear something it is stored in our short term memory ( 短 期記憶 ). When we hear something it is stored in our short term memory ( 短 期記憶 ). We will soon lose it unless we repeat and review it ( 重複與複習 ).We will soon lose it unless we repeat and review it ( 重複與複習 ). You cannot say you have learned something unless you can use it ( 使 用 ).You cannot say you have learned something unless you can use it ( 使 用 ).
An established method for learning: 1.Listen 2.Speak 3. Read 4. Write
An established method for learning: 1.Listen (regularly) ( 時常聽 )
An established method for learning: 2. Speak (everyday) ( 每天說 ) 2. Speak (everyday) ( 每天說 )
An established method for learning: 3. Read (Read something out loud every day.) ( 每天開口朗讀 )
An established method for learning: 4. Write (Practice writing instructions on how to do something.) (Practice writing instructions on how to do something.) ( 練習寫如何做某事的指示 ) ( 練習寫如何做某事的指示 )
Be sure to put listeningandspeakingfirst!
Can you learn golf by reading about it?
Can you learn an instrument by reading about it?
What can you actually DO by reading about it or watching ?
Almost nothing !
Practice is the answer. 練習是答案 The more you practice the better you will be.
The most common problems people have in learning a language: The most common problems people have in learning a language: 1. Fear of embarrassment ( 怕丟臉 ) (Speak with family and friends first.)
The most common problems people have in learning a language: The most common problems people have in learning a language: 2. Not enough time ( 沒時間 ) (We all make time for what is important to us.)
The most common problems people have in learning a language: The most common problems people have in learning a language: 3. No English speaking environment ( 沒說英語的環 ) 3. No English speaking environment ( 沒說英語的環 ) (Make your own environment.) (Make your own environment.)
Practice the 3 Bees: 1. Be bold ( 大膽 )
Practice the 3 Bees: 2. Be ready ( 隨時準備好 )
Practice the 3 Bees: 3. Believe ( 相信 )
Practice the 3 Bees: 1. Bold 2. Ready 3. Believe
Set goals 設定目標
Have faith in yourself! 相信自己
Never give up! 永不放棄