Plant Hormones Darwin’s idea
Plant hormones are chemical messengers of homeostasis They are: Organic compounds Effective at very low concentration Synthesized in one part of the plant and transported to another Interactive with specific target tissues to cause physiological responses There are five major groups of plant hormones
Make a table for the following information HormoneStimulates Auxins
Stimulates: – cell elongation – cell division – differentiation of phloem and xylem
Abscisc Acid Stimulates: – closure of stomata – seeds to synthesize storage proteins. – induction and maintenance of dormancy. – gene transcription in response to wounding
Cytokinin Stimulates: – cell division – morphogenesis – growth of lateral buds – leaf expansion – chlorophyll synthesis.
Ethylene Stimulates – shoot and root growth and differentiation (triple response) – leaf and fruit abscission (falling off plant) – flower opening – fruit ripening
Gibberellins Stimulate – stem elongation – enzyme production (a-amylase) in germinating seeds
Plant movement Is a response to environmental stimuli such as: light, gravity and mechanical disturbances. Movements fall into two groups: – tropisms and nastic movements.
TROPISM Plant movement determined by direction of an environmental stimulus. Movement toward an environmental stimulus is called a positive tropism and away is called negative tropism. Each kind of tropism is named for its stimulus Example; positive phototropism
Phototropism StimulusHormoneResponse LightAuxins move to shaded side of plant Cells on shaded side elongate causing plant to bend towards light
Thigmotropism StimulusHormoneResponse Touching a solid object Auxin and ethylene Tendrils and stems coil, allows vine to climb, increasing interception of sun
Gravitropism S timulus H ormone Response GravityAuxinsRoots – positively gravitropic – auxins accumulate on lower side of root cells inhibits elongation, so roots grow down.
Stem – negatively gravitropic – auxins accumulate on lower side of stem stimulate elongation so stem grows up
Chemotropism StimulusHormoneResponse Chemical???Plant will grow towards or away from source.
Task Read the information provided and make a chart to show two types of Nastic movement: – Thigmonastic – Nyctinastic