IBC233 Lecture 2 Updated Summer 2007
Agenda Real Estate Issues Review System Values What’s ODIN doing? Library List Websphere –Filters –Writing a CL program
Real Estate Issues Section B – Friday’s lab is moved to T4042 Section A – Thursday’s lab is full –Please arrive early with your student card and proof that you are in the section
Review Where will you find course notes? Where will you find schedules, labs and assignments? What is Client Access? Where do you get software for free? Who is PROFPLUTO? What does CL stand for?
System Values vs User Profile System Values configures ODIN for everyone. User Profile customizes ODIN’s configuration for an individual
What’s ODIN Doing? WoRK with ACTive JOBs System vs Subsystem Effects of an infinite loop
How the iSeries finds Objects When an object is created, it is created ‘in’ a particular library. To access an object, the iSeries needs to know what library the object is in. (CL) Commands prompt you for the object name and library name. *LIBL is the default for library
Library Lists The list of Libraries through which the iSeries searches to find objects. Similar to the DOS ‘Path’ concept Each Job has a library list *LIBL = library list
Library Lists cont’d A Library List consists of 4 parts: –System Libraries (up to 15) –Product Libraries (none, 1 or 2) –Current Library(1 only) –User Library ( up to 25) To view your library list - DSPLIBL
How do Libraries get on your Library List? When you sign on, your library list is built from: –QSYSLIBL (system value) –QUSRLIBL (system value) –Current library from User Profile Product libraries are added as needed by the system
Storing Objects When an object is created, it is stored in the library specified. If no library is specified, it is stored in *CURLIB (current library). If there is no current library, it is stored in QGPL library. Exception: Library Descriptions, Device Descriptions and User Profiles are always stored in library QSYS.
What is CL? What does CL stand for? What is the IBM defined acronym?
Steps to Writing a CL Program
Writing a program CL Compiler Source Code QCLLESRC *FILE (PGM1) Compiled Listing (PGM1) PGM1 *PGM *OUTQ WRKSPLF Successfully Completed *MSGQ DSPMSG
Some CL Commands
Program Development Manager WRKLIBPDM WRKOBJPDM WRKMBRPDM 12 beside a library 12 beside a source file Default is a list of libraries on the library list Default is a list of objects from the last library that you looked at Default is a list of source members (program code) that you last looked at
CL Commands RTVJOBA – ReTrieVe JOB Attributes –Retrieves information about the environment RTVUSRPRF – ReTrieVe USeR PRoFile –Retrieves information about the User profile that started the job SNDPGMMSG –Sends a message to the bottom of the screen DCL – DeCLare CHGVAR – CHanGe a VARiable
ConCATenate Strings FLDA = ‘Cindy ‘ FLDB = ‘Laurin ‘ *CAT –Combines the strings, as they are –FLDA *CAT FLDB? *BCAT –Combines the strings by stripping the trailing spaces off the left string and replacing it with 1 character –FLDA *BCAT FLDB? *TCAT –Combines the string by stripping the trailing spaces off the left string. –FLDA *TCAT FLDB?
Websphere IBM WebSphere Developer Studio Client for System i 6.x (WDSC) Based on Eclipse Technology part of IBM’s suite of products designed to enhance programmer’s productivity PC version of PDM
WebSphere Demo
WebSphere - Seneca Implementation issues workspace stored in /temp folder