SAT List #13 5 on front, 5 on back (in blue). 1.haughty 2.hedge 3.herald 4.hiatus 5.histrionic 6.hyperbole 7.ignoramus 8.impecunious 9.impervious 10.impregnable
Guess the: P.O.S. & definition 1.The rich woman gave the poor man a haughty look of disgust. (adj) arrogant, disdainful, blatantly proud 2.The enemy began to hedge onto our front lines. (v) enclose, surround 3.The newscaster was eager to herald the presidential inauguration. (v) to announce, report
4.There was a brief hiatus in the TV show before it resumed. (n) interruption 5.The histrionic speech from the actor playing Romeo made us cringe rather than cry. (adj) overly dramatic, melodramatic 6.The phrase “I’m so hungry, I’d eat a horse” is a common hyperbole. (n) exaggeration, enhancement
7. The village idiot was such an ignoramus that he thought the chicken was a cow. (n) moron, fool, dimwit 8.The bad economy has left many families in an impecunious state. (adj) poor, destitute,penniless 9. The waterproof coat was impervious to the rain. (adj) not permitting passage, impenetrable
10. The secret Air Force base was impregnable to outside spies. (adj) strong enough to be resistant to attack, invulnerable
Topic: Works Cited Needs to be on a separate page at the end of your final draft.
Topic: Works Cited Center the words Works Cited at the top of the page Yes, your last name and page # should be on the top right corner, just like the rest of the paper.
Topic: Works Cited List your sources in alphabetical order by the author’s last names ( or by the title if there is no author).
Topic: Works Cited Begin each listing (i.e. each source) by putting it all the way to the left (no indenting). If it is longer than one line, indent the remaining lines. The entire page should be double spaced.
Topic: Works Cited Summary: Discuss why the Works Cited page is particular on how it is set up.