CAREER SPEECH SD My Life Directions (link provided on website) Log-in using information provided (don’t throw this away) Click on assessments then click on the latest matchmaker you have completed (left hand side). If you would like to re-due the matchmaker you can do that. Pick a career of your choice that has been chosen for you on your matchmaker. Once you have chosen a career fill out the career speech worksheet. You are going to need 15 source cards, so don’t find all information on one site.
CAREER SPEECH REQUIREMENTS Prepare a 3-5 minute speech. The speech is to be informative in nature. Your goal is to provide information about a specific career. You need to explain what the career is and how someone can get involved in the career. You will need to develop a minimum of 5 (no more than 8) slides on a power point presentation to assist the speech. (The minimum slides do not include the introduction and conclusion.) These are not to replace the speech, but instead they should enhance the speech. NO MORE THAN 25 WORDS ON EACH SLIDE! You will need to type an outline and bibliography to turn in before you start the speech. You must collect at least 15 research note cards. You may have a note card with your introduction and one with your conclusion written out. Due Date: January 4 (Orange) beginning of class/ January 5 (Black) beginning of class IF THIS IS NOT COMPLETE YOU WILL RECEIVE A 0 FOR YOUR SEMESTER FINAL. NO MAKE-UPS AND NO RE-DUES!
GRADING INFORMATION Speech is worth a total of 60 points broken down into the following sections: Section 1: Introduction and Conclusion Section 2: Organization of the body of the speech Section 3: Information provided on the topic Section 4: Use of power point to enhance speech Section 5: Delivery Section 6: Time limit 0-1: 5 pts 1-2: 6 pts 3-4: 9 pts 4-5: 10 pts > 5: 8 pts
OUTLINE EXAMPLES See editable example on my website. Open the document and click enable editing to type your outline. You can add or delete main points and sub points as needed. There is not requirement for how much information needs to be under each.
NOTE CARDS Topic of CardSource # Quotation Summary Or List Page # Three ways of recording information: Direct Quotations: Copy word for word exactly what was written in the source Paraphrase: Rephrase the information into your own words. This does not mean to change one ore two words. Summaries: List long amounts of information in easy to manage lists. DO NOT FORGET TO CITE SOURCES WITH INFORMATION According to….. Research shows… Professionals in this area of study…