EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST Task Breakdown – SA1 Alistair Mills SA1 - CERN SA1 Meeting Cork, 20 April
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 Only Nine Deliverables DeliverableTopicMonthBudgetLeader DSA1.1Execution Plan3150CERN DSA1.2Release notes #1635INFN DSA1.3Accounting930CCLRC DSA1.4Assessment # IN2P3 DSA1.5Cookbook #114300CERN DSA1.6Release notes #21435CCLRC DSA1.7Cookbook #222150CERN DSA1.8Assessment # IN2P3 DSA1.9Release notes #32435INFN
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 Timing of Deliverables
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 Money for deliverables
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 What are we really delivering What really has to be created is the following: Execution plan OMC x 1 CIC-s x 5 ROC-s x 11 RC-s x 47 Useful documents x 100 Lots of time sheets and other low grade documentation x 1000s However we report against the deliverables The documents document what we have learned, and how to do things. They are an evolving resource which records our work and simplifies the creation of the deliverables.
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 More complete breakdown
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 For each organisational type A document which documents: Roles Responsibilities Reporting Tasks Collectively known as R3T For example OMC, Federation, ROC, CIC, RC all have R3T
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 Document creation Low overhead task High value task Routine - low skill task to complete and to integrate Simplifies creation of deliverables Community owned resource Defined by pilot trials and concensus Maintained by (mostly) concensus Tasks such as document numbering are centralised Resources such as spreadsheets and report templates provided to simplify reporting – ease of use is important All documents have document history, roll back etc. Documentation maintained centrally
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 Document numbering scheme Document schema contains numbered documents: 10,000 series Global documents – general documents 20,000 series Deliverable notes – made from the following: 30,000 series Federation notes 40,000 series OMC notes 50,000 series CIC notes 60,000 series ROC notes 70,000 series RC notes 80,000 series Miscellaneous notes eg applications
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 Global documents
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 Contents
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 Global documents – 10,000 series 10,000 series Indexes and R3Ts – Christina’s talk 11,000 series Services – Ian’s talk 12,000 series Certification of releases and RCs 13,000 series Software support – Markus’s talk 14,000 series Certificate authorities 15,000 series Virtual organisations 16,000 series Service metrics 17,000 series Security monitoring and response 18,000 series Risk assessment 19,000 series International collaboration
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 Federations’ interpretation of R3T Standardize the talks by the federations: 30,000 CERN 31,000 UK 32,000 Italy 33,000 France 34,000 Germany 35,000 South West 36,000 South East 37,000 Central 38,000 Northern 39,000 Russia
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 What we have to do next (1) Agree that this is a reasonable way to proceed Agree on publishing formats eg doc, xls, pdf Install the infrastructure to put this in place Appoint the central librarian and a co-ordinator for each federation Do pilots of many of the documents using material from this meeting, by assigning people to each task Focus on the task of creating the execution plan Provide training/ assistance/ support for people creating documentation
EGEE Kick Off, Cork, SA1, 20 April 2004 What we have to do next (2) Those with responsibilities for later deliverables to give notice that the documents they will need are in the project library Work with the PO to avoid repetition of material Innovation should be moved up the hierarchy Routine publishing should be made routine and low overhead Appoint the central librarian and a co-ordinator for each federation Focus on the task of creating the CICs and ROCs