Lännen Tehtaat Year 2005
Earnings per share , EUR IFRS
Dividend per share , EUR Board’s proposal
Consolidated net turnover , EUR million
Consolidated net turnover continuing business operations , EUR million
Net turnover by business segment , EUR million 2004 EUR million2005 EUR million
Net turnover by business segment continuing business operations , EUR million 2004 EUR million2005 EUR million
Operating profit , EUR million IFRS
Operating profit continuing business operations , EUR million IFRS
Financial expenses, net , EUR million IFRS
Profit before taxes , EUR million IFRS
Profit before taxes continuing business operations , EUR million IFRS
Profit for the financial year , EUR million IFRS
Net cash flow from operations , EUR million IFRS
Investments , EUR million IFRS
Return on investment , % IFRS
Return on equity % IFRS
Shareholders’ equity per share , EUR IFRS
Equity ratio , % IFRS
Net gearing , % IFRS
Average number of personnel
Food Division , EUR million Net turnoverOperating profit
Food Division before non-recurring items , EUR million Net turnoverOperating profit
Feed , EUR million Net turnover Operating profit
Feed before non-recurring items , EUR million Net turnover Operating profit
Grain trading , EUR million Net turnoverOperating profit
Key indicators Consolidated net turnover, EUR mill. 433,0473,8 Operating profit, EUR million 16,3 11,4 Profit before taxes, EUR million 14,9 12,6 Return on equity (ROE) % 10,2 10,1 Return on investment (ROI) % 10,8 8,7 Equity ratio % 50,0 49,6 Shareholders’ equity per share, EUR18,5617,08 Earnings per share, EUR 1,81 1,68 Dividend per share, EUR 0,73* 0,65 *Board’s proposal