Kyle Bossung Tyler Breitung Paul Curtin
The Gleason Works: Gleason Works is a multinational machine manufacturer whose products create gears for a variety of industries. CNC Machines: Chamfering, Grinding, Hobbing... Stakeholders: Mike Walker - Primary John Carr - Secondary
Goal: Create a testing device that can apply forces in 2 or 3 directions simultaneously. Multi axial forces will simulate actual stresses applied to the machine during the Hobbing process. Why? This will be used to test machine component stiffness by applying a load and measuring deflections in the machine.
RequirementReasonImportance Device applies forces in three dimensions to accurately To accurately recreate hobbing forces 22% Device creates loads up to 400 pounds19% Device is capable of mounting to standard hobbing machine (400 to 600mm) interfaces at Gleason Works 17% Device validates predicted values from FEA to aid in design process and ensure machine quality To validate new designs of future machines 14% Test process and assembly of device is repeatable to produce consistent results for FEA validation 11% Device creates dynamic loads around 120 Hz To accurately recreate hobbing forces6% Device is controlled from outside the machine so measurement tools are not disturbed So user does not disturb with indicators5% Device is durable to withstand normal manufacturing environment To withstand normal abuse 3% Device is capable to be transported and stored because it is a validation device not an integrated part of the machine. To allow for easier testing 3%
Force Application Hydraulics Ball screw Linear actuator Piezoelectric actuator Force Measurement Load cell Strain gauge
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