1 Ch. 7 Sec. 5 The Rise of Christianity
2 The Beginnings of Christianity The Romans allowed the provinces to practice their own religions Still, they had to honor the Roman gods & the “divine spirit” of the emperor (for most people, adding another god wasn’t a problem)
3 Jews & the Roman Empire Jews in the province of Judaea believed in only one God Some Jews favored rebellion & others hoped that God would send a Messiah, or savior, to free the Jews In A.D. 66 the Jews revolted & the Romans destroyed Jerusalem & all but the western wall of the temple, which became a sacred Jewish site (Wailing Wall)
4 WWWWith the temple gone, the priests’ role weakened RRRRabbis - Jewish scholars who interpreted scripture & Jewish Law – began to lead Jewish congregations IIIIn A.D. 135 the Romans crushed the last Jewish revolt & banned all Jews from Jerusalem
5 JJJJews built communities outside Jerusalem, where they carried on their faith & culture IIIIn this setting Christianity arose
6 The Teachings of Jesus Around A.D. 27 Jesus of Nazareth began wandering the countryside w/ his disciples, or followers, teaching & performing miracles His teachings, which greatly influenced the Western world, were grounded in Jewish traditions
7 He taught that there is one true God, who cares more for people than for laws or rituals His teachings were for all people, including the poor The Romans feared that Jesus would lead an uprising He was arrested, put on trial, & crucified
8 According to the Gospels, Jesus arose from the dead & remained on Earth for 40 days Then he ascended into heaven His followers called him Christ, after the Greek word for Messiah, Christos
9 They believed that through his death & resurrection all people could be redeemed, or saved, from God’s final judgment A new religion was born - Christianity
10 The Spread of Christianity Jesus’s disciples set out to spread the word that the day of judgment was coming At first Christianity spread slowly It expanded as life in the empire became more difficult
11 At first the Roman gov’t ignored Christians as a Jewish offshoot But Christians began converting others & speaking out against the worship of other gods The Romans viewed these actions as attacks on Roman religion They outlawed Christianity, seized Christian property, & executed Christians
12 Many Christians became martyrs, meaning they were put to death for their beliefs Still, the religion spread
13 The Romans Adopt Christianity In the A.D. 300s the Roman emperor Constantine began promoting Christianity He was baptized on his deathbed The emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the empire
14 The Christian church became well organized Priests conducted local services Bishops headed the church in each city Rome & other major cities became church centers, & bishops of these cities were called patriarchs
15 Later the patriarch of Rome to the title of pope (from the Latin word for “father”) The pope & bishops traced their authority to Jesus’s disciple Peter, whose authority came straight from Jesus
16 Church councils also helped strengthen the church In A.D. 325 a council wrote down the main beliefs of the church