Who’s Who in the Renaissance? Jordan Pyle Laurel Beaty.


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Presentation transcript:

Who’s Who in the Renaissance? Jordan Pyle Laurel Beaty

Niccolo Machiavelli A political philosopher and statesmen. Wrote his ideas in a book called The Prince. Believed that a ruler must do whatever is necessary to maintain political power, even if it is viewed as cruel. Morals Power

Leonardo Da Vinci A highly talented painter, writer, inventor, architect, engineer, mathematician, musician, and philosopher. Most famous for the Mona Lisa

Raphael Renowned painter and accomplished architect; considered one of the greatest masters of the Italian Renaissance The School of Athens

Desiderius Erasmus A Christian humanist who wrote extensively about the need for a pure and simple Christian life, stripped of the rituals and politics of the church on earth.

William Shakespeare  One of the greatest English playwrights

Albrecht Durer  German artist who used the techniques of realism and perspective.

Jan van Eyck  Flemish painter who perfected the technique of oil painting  Focused on landscapes and domestic life

John Calvin  Most important Protestant reformer  Followers called Calvinists- they viewed people as sinful in nature

Henry VIII  Protestant- Named himself Head of the Church of England Had First Marriage Annulled

Elizabeth I  Protestant Queen of England  Strong Queen who survived struggles from Catholic rulers  Drafted new Supremacy Act- splitting England from Rome

Baldassare Castiglione Wrote the courtier which described the perfect gentleman Italian writer and diplomat in early Renaissance

Lorenzo de Medici  Most illustrious member of the patron family of the Renaissance  Funded Botticelli, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da  Vinci

Michelangelo  Painted the Sistine Chapel and sculpted the David and Pietá  Funded by Lorenzo de Medici  Commissioned by the Pope Paul the third to paint the Sistine Chapel

Gutenberg  Reinvented the printing press and used removeable type and used metal to mass produce  First book ever printed was a bible specially named for him

Sir Thomas Moore  Humanist and wrote a book called Utopia  Disliked the English government and talked and a perfect and nonexistent society

Christine de Pisan  Italian writer wrote The City of Women highlighting women and their role in the Renaissance  Wrote poetry novels and a biography of Charles the fifth

Martin Luther  Created a list of 95 Theses that spoke about the many shortcomings and lies of the Catholic church such as selling indulgences =

Ignatius of Loyola  Former soldier and founded the Jesuits as a form of combating the protestant reformation