Who’s Who in the Renaissance? Jordan Pyle Laurel Beaty
Niccolo Machiavelli A political philosopher and statesmen. Wrote his ideas in a book called The Prince. Believed that a ruler must do whatever is necessary to maintain political power, even if it is viewed as cruel. Morals Power
Leonardo Da Vinci A highly talented painter, writer, inventor, architect, engineer, mathematician, musician, and philosopher. Most famous for the Mona Lisa
Raphael Renowned painter and accomplished architect; considered one of the greatest masters of the Italian Renaissance The School of Athens
Desiderius Erasmus A Christian humanist who wrote extensively about the need for a pure and simple Christian life, stripped of the rituals and politics of the church on earth.
William Shakespeare One of the greatest English playwrights
Albrecht Durer German artist who used the techniques of realism and perspective.
Jan van Eyck Flemish painter who perfected the technique of oil painting Focused on landscapes and domestic life
John Calvin Most important Protestant reformer Followers called Calvinists- they viewed people as sinful in nature
Henry VIII Protestant- Named himself Head of the Church of England Had First Marriage Annulled
Elizabeth I Protestant Queen of England Strong Queen who survived struggles from Catholic rulers Drafted new Supremacy Act- splitting England from Rome
Baldassare Castiglione Wrote the courtier which described the perfect gentleman Italian writer and diplomat in early Renaissance
Lorenzo de Medici Most illustrious member of the patron family of the Renaissance Funded Botticelli, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci
Michelangelo Painted the Sistine Chapel and sculpted the David and Pietá Funded by Lorenzo de Medici Commissioned by the Pope Paul the third to paint the Sistine Chapel
Gutenberg Reinvented the printing press and used removeable type and used metal to mass produce First book ever printed was a bible specially named for him
Sir Thomas Moore Humanist and wrote a book called Utopia Disliked the English government and talked and a perfect and nonexistent society
Christine de Pisan Italian writer wrote The City of Women highlighting women and their role in the Renaissance Wrote poetry novels and a biography of Charles the fifth
Martin Luther Created a list of 95 Theses that spoke about the many shortcomings and lies of the Catholic church such as selling indulgences =
Ignatius of Loyola Former soldier and founded the Jesuits as a form of combating the protestant reformation