Crisis Bed Utilization Local Crisis bed utilization is low there are only 30 – 40 detentions per year but over half are sent home prior to probable cause hearing. Need to discuss and identify what barriers to utilizing the crisis bed( location; intoxicated clients; staffing; comfort of staff) Change team: Tracie Burkart(change leader), Keith Laatsch, Becky Dennis and Dave Dettmering
Crisis Bed Utilization Overall big AIM: decease our county hospitalization rate by utilizing the local crisis bed. Small AIM : Physical location more accessible accessibility Safety concerns Confidentiality Find alternate location
Rapid Cycles Crisis Bed PDSA rapid cycles Change 1 Reminded that two staff can be utilized for staff and client comfort Additional staff trained ADOPT Limited detentions none appropriate for crisis bed Change 2 Feasibility of physical location changes Talked to Buildings and Grounds department head cost would be $1,000 using current maintenance staff Move to Human Services board and Buildings and Grounds board ABANDON Dual use of facility still has confidentiality issues
Rapid Cycles Crisis Bed Change 3 Identify new CBRF in local area interested in providing services Discuss with provider interested. Follow up with DQA for licensing; insurance and work on contract In Process 8 detentions in September (4 should have been crisis bed)