DIGRAPH OA Digraph oa makes the long (o) sound as in the word boat. You may find digraph oa in ANY position of a word! Initial Position: oath Medial Position: toast Final Position: cocoa
DIGRAPH OW Digraph ow also makes the long (o) sound as in the word grow. You may find digraph ow in ANY position of a word! Initial Position: own Medial Position: grown Final Position: elbow
OA VS. OW Unfortunately, when you hear the long (o) sound…there are NO exact rules or tips for you to know when to spell with digraph oa vs. digraph ow! Suggestions: 1. Practice daily. Do not wait until the night before the spelling test to cram for the test! 2. Practice dividing the words into groups for each digraph to make it easier to memorize the correct spelling.
IRREGULAR PLURAL WORDS Many nouns do NOT follow the regular pattern for adding -s or –es to show more than one (plural form). Regular: hat + s = hat s ; watch + es = watch es When words do not follow the regular pattern, we say they are IR REGULAR (ir = not). SingularPlural toothteeth childchildren
“F” CHANGES TO “VES” Most of the time, when we have a SINGULAR noun ending with the letter “f” or “f + silent e” and we change it to a PLURAL noun, we change the “f” to “ves.” Singular:Plural: wifewives leafleaves wolfwolves
SPELLING WORDS OAOWIRREGULAR ownwives goalknowleaves toastflowwolves groangrownteeth throatgrowchildren coachshallow cocoaelbow window below