The first major reform in the publicly funded workforce system in over a decade. Encourages Adult Education to provide new opportunities for innovation and collaboration with state and local agencies as well as business and industry. Increases employment, education, training, and support services for individuals (particularly those with barriers to employment, and to the services they need to succeed in the labor market)
Because of WIOA requirements, changes in workplace organizations and the economy, the delivery of education and training to working adults and those actively seeking employment by Adult Education has been RESHAPED. In Short: Adult literacy, Adult Basic Education, High School Credential preparation, along with Employability Skills will be united with the Adult Education Complex to provide a local full service resource to assist those unprepared and unemployable of Lancaster and surrounding counties to develop or reshape their career path.
Through a collaborative partnership with Lancaster High Career Center, it is the goal of Adult Education to provide citizens of Lancaster and surrounding counties with job specific training that will empower individuals with the resources and knowledge needed to become successful and productive citizens of our society.
The majority of our citizens will not have transportation or financial resources to acquire training for today’s workforce. This project will provide us with the necessary resources to create a seamless transition for our students completing secondary credentials as well as unemployed and displaced citizens to career preparation
The program will provide individuals with job specific training that will prepare them for gainful employment within their chosen career path. Electricity Welding Machine Tools Paint & Finishing Culinary Arts Certified Nursing Assistant
Career Center Welding, Autobody, Construction, Machine Tools, Culinary Arts, Electrical Employability Skills Digital literacy, communication skills, interview skills, resume writing Adult Education English language learning, HSE preparation, math/reading/writing focused on use in transportation field
American Welding Society NCCER--Certification in Electricity and Carpentry OSHA Certification CNA
WIOA participant (earning funds to pay salaries) Duke Energy Grant $25,000
Transform Lancaster County from a Rural Textile area to a diverse economic work- ready community Provide Lancaster County the opportunity to attract a variety of businesses
The ultimate goal is to put Lancaster County citizens back to work, while producing a skilled trained workforce that will attract new businesses and industry to the area.