Root Week 4 il, im, in, ir il, im, in, ir= not
Quiz on Monday Periods 2, 4, and 6 will write compound sentences using the fanboys. Periods 1 and 5 will use a semicolon with a conjunctive adverb or because.
cause/effect transition words for period 1 and 5 Too much homework causes stress; consequently, students go postal.
Cause/effect (per. 1 and 5) Accordingly, consequently, hence, because therefore, thus for, so, subsequently as a result
illegible adj. Not capable of being read or deciphered; unreadable His printing was illegible; therefore, the teacher gave him a failing grade.
illegible He received a failing grade, for his writing was illegible. Compound sentence. (so) Write a compound sentence using illegible and “so”
Illogical (adj.) Without reason or logic; senseless Her explanation was illogical; consequently, she was caught in a lie.
Illogical compound but/yet Illogical- senseless, not logical, He was illogical, but lovable. (wrong) He was illogical, but he was lovable.
illogical Write a compound sentence with the coordinating conjunction “but/yet” with the word illogical. She was illogical and stupid, yet she was nice and pretty so I married her. He was illogical in his answer, but he got it right.
Immaculate (adj.) Having no stain or blemish; spotlessly clean He cleaned for weeks; as a result, his home was immaculate. What do you think maculate means?
immaculate Write a compound sentence use and His house was immaculate, and his car was too. (wrong) His house was immaculate, and his car was clean too. (correct) My room is immaculate, and I clean it every day.
Immaculate (and) Write a compound sentence using “and” with the vocab. word immaculate My room is immaculate, and my mom’s room is clean too. My dad’s house is immaculate, and his room is tidy too.
Maculate adjective 1. spotted; stained. 2. Archaic. defiled; impure. verb (used with object), mac·u·lat·ed, mac·u·lat·ing. Archaic. 3. to mark with a spot or spots; stain. 4. to sully or pollute.
Inaccessible (adj.) Not capable of being reached; unreachable The gate proved inaccessible; therefore, I couldn’t sneak in the house.
Inaccessible Compound sentence using or I will climb that inaccessible rock, or I will die trying. I will get into this inaccessible house, or I will break down the door. I will learn the inaccessible Chinese language, or I will have to change my travel plans.
Inaccessible (or) Write a compound sentence using inaccessble and the coordinating conjunction “or”. I will go around the inaccessible gate, or I will go over it. She will jump off the inaccessible cliff, or she will die trying.
Irrelevant (adj.) Not meaningful or not having to do with the matter at hand. John’s point was irrelevant because it had nothing to do with the topic. Because her point was irrelevant, the class groaned in complaint.
irrelevant Nor I do not like Ms. Verge’s irrelevant stories, nor do I like it when she compares me to her dog. Write a compound sentence using irrelevant and nor. Suggested topic: irrelevant homework.
Nor/ irrelevant- not relevant, not meaningful I do not like it when Ms. Verge tells irrelevant stories, nor do I like it when she compares me to her dog.
Irrelevant I do not like it when teachers give irrelevant homework, nor do I like it when they give meaningless test.