Reading activities
Who lives in King William’s Town? White people, only. Read page 6. What is described as contradictory ? The landscape; it’s miserable and beautiful at the same time. What is a “minder” exactly ? A security policeman, who constantly watch “rebel” people. How did Woods consider black organization ? dangerous
How do black people manage their community? Read page 7. They create cultural centers where learning, communication, professional development … have a role. How did Woods feel before meeting Biko? annoyed Read page 8. What does “the System” mean or represent ? The System represents the white authority, the white government, army, police....
What’s Woods opinion about banning? Continue on page 8. He doesn’t approve of banning. What does Biko criticize? Read page 9. He criticizes that white people have/enjoy all the advantages (=examples of comforts in the text) and (in addition!) don’t want the black people to rebel against their discrimination. What emotional resource(s) does Biko use to approach Woods? He uses humour and sincerity.
Interesting vocabulary in chapter 2: 1.rise (n/v) 2. banned (adj) 3. greet 4. sort 5. yard 6. catch your eye 7. shadows pujar, ascendir Forbidden, not allowed to … saludar Tipus de jardí cridar l’atenció ombra
Interesting vocabulary in chapter 2: 1.hesitate 2. ashamed 3. sharply 4. Hold on to 5. mood 6. warmth dubtar avergonyit de forma aspra aferrar-se a estat d’ànim, humor escalfor
Woods drives to Biko’s township to ______ him. After meeting his wife, he talks with him for a while. At first, their meeting is not very _________, but the tone changes during the conversation. Woods __________ that Biko is a warm, intelligent, sincere person. It’s the ___________... of a relationship. Summary: meet friendly realises beginning
Prepare next class! Read Chapters 3 and 4. & watch the PPT on the school web page (Reading Circles cooperative work) We will analyse them in detail! We won’t read them in class! At home!