C HAPTER 8, S ECTION 4 John Adams as President
T HE XYZ A FFAIR The French objected to Jay’s Treaty between the U.S. and France French ships began to seize Americans ships as the British had done Americans called for war Adams tried to avoid war by sending diplomats to France
“N OT A SIXPENCE ” French foreign minister, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand would not deal directly with the Americans He sent 3 secret agents to offer a deal The agents wanted money, $250,000 for Talleyrand and a $10 million loan to France
“N OT A SIXPENCE ” Adams informed congress of the bribe but would not reveal the names of the agents referred to them as agents XYZ Americans were outrages by the XYZ Affair “millions for defense but not one cent for tribute”
A DAMS AVOIDS WAR Adams did not ask Congress for war He strengthened the navy This convinced France to stop attacking American ships Talleyrand assured Adams he would treat American diplomats with respect
T HE F EDERALIST P ARTY S PLITS Hamilton criticized Adam’s peace policy They hoped war would weaken Jefferson and the Republicans (longtime friends of France) War also meant the U.S. would build up its army and navy lead to increased federal power
T HE F EDERALIST P ARTY S PLITS John Adams, a Federalist would not give into Hamilton The disagreement created a split in the Federalist party High Federalist: Hamilton’s supporters
Adams sent diplomats to France again Meet with Napoleon Bonaparte who wanted to expand French power in Europe No time for war with the U.S. Convention of 1800: Bonaparte promised to stop seizing American ships Like Washington Adams kept the U.S. out of war
A LIEN AND S EDITION A CTS During the crisis with France High Federalist pushed several laws through Congress known as the Alien and Sedition Acts Alien Act: allowed the President to expel any alien or foreigner thought to be dangerous
A LIEN AND S EDITION A CTS Another law made it harder for people to become citizens Before white people could become citizens after 5 years, now they had to wait 14 years Meant to keep people from voting-often for Republicans
A LIEN AND S EDITION A CTS Sedition means stirring up rebellion against a government Sedition Act: citizens could be fined or jailed if they criticized the government or its officials Republicans protest that the Sedition act violated the First Amendment Under the new law newspaper editors and even members of Congress were jailed for their opinions
T HE R IGHTS OF S TATES Republicans did not turn to the Supreme Court because most Justices were Federalists Jefferson urged the states to act Nullify: cancel a law passed by the feral government
T HE R IGHT OF S TATES Kentucky and Virginia resolutions: claimed that each state has an equal right to judge for itself if a law is constitutional Helped by Jefferson and Madison In time the Alien and Sedition acts were charged or dropped
E LECTION OF 1800 Republicans focused on 2 issues 1. Attacked Federalist for raising taxes to prepare for war 2. Opposed the Alien and Sedition Acts Republicans choose Jefferson for President and Aaron Burr for VP Federalist choose Adams for President
A DEADLOCK Republicans won Jefferson and Burr both received 73 electoral votes Under the Constitution the House of Representatives decides in a tied election
A DEADLOCK The Hose was evenly split, it voted 35 times each time was a tie Finally the House chose Thomas Jefferson for President Burr became VP 12 th Amendment: required electors to vote separately for President and Vice President
F EDERALIST LOSE FAVOR Jefferson’s election marked the end of the Federalist era