SIO 218A, Spring 2014 Petia Yanchulova
cPIES IES Data Processing Manual, URI, 2007
Transducer, clock, P, T, data-logger, telemetry link, AR Roundtrip vertical acoustic travel time (VATT) —> in water column Series of pulses - 24/hr (1/150s) each sent in bursts of 4-24 pings. Needed to average changes in TT due to waves at surface + noise. ms pulses, ms accuracy 1-8 sec later IES records travel time (VATT), τ. Take median. Lasts months to years (*Uwe holds record of 4+ yrs) U Miami RSMAS CPIES Sonardyne PIES
Vertical Acoustic Travel Time Measures: changes in T profile of water column reinterpreted as geopotential/dynamic height in large-scale ocean currents & frontal zones horizontal gradients in DH (need > 2 IES) —> geostrophic ocean current profiles combine IES data with other T & S data for full water column profile 4-D circulation fields of T, specific volume anomaly, and velocity from an array of CPIES Thermocline’s depth & thickness —> tides and currents.
Recovery of a PIESModem assembly with an air tugger winch through the AFrame ns.pdf
URI IES Matlab interface sample travel time
Pressure/Depth ocean bottom sensor
Temperature ocean bottom sensor
Ocean temperature from C s and travel time C s determined by T, S, P Temperature 1°C = 4.0 m/s Salinity 1PSU = 1.4 m/s Depth (pressure) 1km = 17 m/s IES must be calibrated with measurements of water column properties Travel time, τ, is a vertical integration of T above the IES Use hydrography to identify dominant vertical T structure associated with any τ. From τ can determine specific volume anomaly,. Integrate to get the geopotential anomaly, Δφ. See * in comments for an important note about measurement (clarified by Uwe during presentation)
C.S. Meinen dissertation 1998, North Atlantic current τ 2000 [s]
Internal Waves near Fraser River mouth, 2012, Ocean Networks Canada (DDL)
Manufacturers & Cost URI/GSO PIES (Model 6.2C) Sonardyne (Type 8302/8306) Paroscientific (1050 SmartIES) URI/GSO IES: 5 or fewer - $39,000 each Includes acoustic release, relocation radio & strobe light, anchor stand, modem output for telemetry, long-term battery pack. (Randy Watts)
Sonardyne PIES
URI IES page NOAA AOML IES Time series page “Descriptive PO” by Pickard & Emery Paroscientific website [Discovering Of Sound In The Sea] Ocean Networks Canada Sonardyne site References Randolph Watts, Thomas Rossby, 1977, “Measuring Dynamic Heights with IES: Results from MODE [Mid-Ocean Dynamics Experiment]”