PRAISE FOR THE NEW DEAL Thousands of families thanked FDR for his contributions Laborers and farmers expressed gratitude for the New Deal
NEW DEAL CRITICISMS Disappointment among African- Americans Some felt that the New Deal tried to please too many groups. Some felt the New Deal interfered too much or too little in American lives
AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE Businesses afraid of FDR’s “Socialism” American Liberty League- organization of businesses to protect themselves from government interference “Citizen’s Army”- group that fought for employers in violent strikes.
OTHER CRITICISMS Dr. Francis E. Townsend- led elderly who felt they were ignored. Advocated extensive pension plan Huey Long- Proposed redistribution of national income. Assassinated in 1935
MORE CRITICISMS Charles E. Coughlin- Influenced 30 million listeners that FDR favored Big Business Fascist and Anti-Semitic Union Party-Formed to challenge FDR in 1936 election Failed
THE SUPREME COURT FIGHT Supreme Court declared portions of the New Deal to be Unconstitutional FDR requests power to appoint six new Justices Insulted Congress, The Court, the party, and the public “Packing the Court”
THE NEW DEAL’S LEGACY FDR helped shaped the power of the presidency Larger Government Welfare state Social Security, stock market regulation, insured banking deposits Promotion of Women
Federal Spending During the Great Depression as a Percentage of GNP percent percent percent percent percent percent percent percent percent percent percent
DID THE NEW DEAL WORK? Partially effective economically Dropping unemployment and business failures Millions of American aided by New Deal policies Unemployment still high, GNP grew slowly, increased debt WWII would end the Depression
EVALUATION: POSITIVES Unemployment decreased Wages increased Numerous reforms undertaken Have not had a repeat of the size & nature of the Great Depression Much needed conservation work done
EVALUATION: NEGATIVES Many overlapping & conflicting programs Cost Many programs had no real purpose Increased size & complexity of federal government Intrusion into lives of American people Gov’t placed in direct conflict & competition with private business Many programs considered socialistic Did not end Great Depression!!!!